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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2020

Disrespected/ignored at work (media coordinator)

Hi everyone, first time posting here. So I’m working as a social media coordinator at a 3D visualisation firm. Things have been going fine, only a lack of content — basically have to wait for artists to generate animation/CGI then I can promote them for architectural/transportation projects. These past months, the business is growing, and projects start flooding in. I’m glad and understand managers have higher priorities since we’re expanding, but they keep ignoring me these days while I was the one who helped them gain more recognition. The company has the policy of micro-management, where all my copies must be submitted for review before they go out. I submitted two weeks in advance, and two weeks later, they still tell me they have no time to review, and I should postpone posting. It has been weeks before the last post went up, they avoided me like the plague (mostly because I ask them for content review, or I have to always chase after them to ask what I should be promoting next,

Tampa teen accused of being ‘mastermind’ behind Twitter hack that targeted high-profile accounts

submitted by /u/NeRD_09 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Should we stop pursuing some social platforms?

We decided to grow our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram social media accounts. This includes creating tailored content that is suitable and designed for each platform which takes a lot of time. Sharing our content and engaging with people on each of these platforms. However We recieve minimal (read none) engagement from our users on Facebook and Twitter. We have lot's on engagement from Instagram and convert to our website regularly too. Should we stop pursuing the other social media platforms and fully focus on just Instagram and concentrating our efforts on that. We have tried to organically grow our twitter but it seems there isn't a huge following for our certain niche anywhere on the platform, unless your a youtube personality or streamer. As for Facebook, we haven't really tried growing our account, apart from regularly posting quality content. It's a one man team, so what do you think the best approach going forward should be? submitted by /u/BouA

Facebook: Splitting Child Page from Parent

Looking for some insight since Facebook support keeps giving my contradicting answers. I have a parent page, with 20 location child pages under it. If I were to split one of the location pages out do I lose all the followers on it? The child page has 3,000 followers so don't want to lose those when I break it out. One Facebook rep says yes, another says no I wont lose them. Any help or insight? submitted by /u/DrewMarketing [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Facebook says Apple's iOS 14 changes could hurt its ad targeting

submitted by /u/JonODonovan [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

How have social media affected democratic processes across the world?

So last year I had to write a paper for a course on Big Data, and I decided to focus on how the advent of Big Data has affected power relations in societies across the world. Thankfully, there's quite a lot of content out there exploring this idea, particularly with regards to how social media user metrics can be used by public and private institutions for various means. Anyways, I've been thinking about it recently, and I was wondering if there was anything I might have missed, or not considered. So, in your guys' opinion, how do you think that data collection, social media, and the mass adoption of the internet, in general, has affected democracy? submitted by /u/MC_Fillius_Dickinson [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Đ

What is the latest on reliability of TikTok video metrics?

From the very start people seemed to get numbers so high that they might be too good to be true. Also, these numbers drop off extremely quick once an account reaches 5 or 6 posts. Is there any concrete evidence yet that these numbers are inflated or of the opposite? submitted by /u/CondorPerplex [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Linkedin: Can we repost and old post of yours that maintains the number of views/likes etc?

I've seen several people posting something on Linkedin and having hundreds and thousands of likes almost immediately, with something they had posted previously. Is there a way of repost publications with the accumulated number of likes and views and showing that the post was actually a repost? submitted by /u/morcille [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Facebook Page Inbox not working?

Hey everyone, just logged into Facebook today to reply to some messages but it seems to not be working. It just says "Sorry, this content is not available right now". Can I know why this is happening? I logged into the other pages I manage and their inbox is fine, I don't know what's wrong with this one. submitted by /u/papoiiiii [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Instagram Follower Scraping Tools?

I'm interested in a tool that can ( A) compile a list of an account's followers and (B) arrange the accounts by size (in order of most to least followers). Does anyone know if such a tool exists? The reason behind this is very simple- I work with brands that sell products. I'd like a way to see the top 5-10 biggest accounts that my clients are being followed by so that we can reach out to them with free samples and/or for promotions. This is a great starting point for promo campaigns- reaching out to large accounts that are already following the brand I'm working with. Does such a tool exist? It shouldn't be against Instagram TOS because it does not involve any automation or spam-like activity, just scraping/sorting followers. One more thought: I'm sure I can find/write a simple web script to scrape followers and generate a text file with their names, but can't think of a way to do the actual sorting without manually checking every single account. An

Incredible YouTube subscribers growth

Carolyn girvan subscribers I found this channel called Carolyn Girvan. Her YouTube is fitness based and she grew by 100k in 3 months. Yes that number is real. My question is how?! She doesn’t have a celebrity status before coming in to YouTube. Neither she had any back link or any websites when she was growing. Her subscribers doesn’t look fake at all. Question 1: Does she have a PR agency or an Seo team onboard? Question 2: If so, how do you audit the Seo team and separate the crappy ones who add bots from the good ones? Question 3: This was an sick growth IMO, is this kind of growth heard of in fitness industry in this short of a time ? Very curious submitted by /u/gobankai [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/

Best way to compare social media growth of competitors?

Is anyone aware a good free, or paid tool that can pull publicity available data across social media platforms to compare performance? For a work project, I'd like to compare my employer's social media growth vs. our competition. I'm aware of Socialblade, which is one option, but Google searches don't seem to turn up anything that is exactly what I'm looking for. Any recommendations? submitted by /u/GoTogetherGoFar [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

A brave New World

Hi guys, I'm about to launch my first social media site as part of my first job about of university and I really want to ace it! My main goal at the moment is to gain a following of 100 "likes" before the first post on the sixth of August. I'm already planning a give away, but I also want to think of other methods of attracting customers but I'm pretty stumped. I was hoping to pick your brains for any experience or knowledge you could pass onto me, mainly on how to draw a large initial following? Thanks! submitted by /u/dummythiccccccccc [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Facebook Location Page vs Separate Page?

Our organization has two dozen locations - we have the master brand parent page, then each location has its own child page. The local teams post to each of their own pages. One of those locations is opening a nearby second location. Previously what has happened is when a franchisee opens a second location the location child page is renamed to that city vs. the actual address. If I'm thinking about it right, if we want to essentially turn that one location child page into a market level page with two or more locations then we should break it off from the parent page and let it be on its own right? Otherwise what I've noticed is if you just rename the location page it may say "Business Name (Market Name) but since it is a location page only one address shows up on the page. Thanks! submitted by /u/DrewMarketing [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua

Good resources for hashtags?

Specifically for IG, I'm searching for a few good websites or apps for generating hashtags. Ideally one where I could enter 2-3 ones and it would generate the list for me. I really liked using Display Purposes but I haven't been able to get it to work (website will just... not load anything). A lot of them charge money for analytics/info, is it ever worth it? submitted by /u/aDogWithAComputer [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Past social media challenges that have gone viral? (Like ALS Ice Bucket challenge viral)

Hey everybody, I'm doing some research on social media challenges and I was wondering if anyone remembers some really viral ones that have happened in the past, similar to how the ALS Ice Bucket blew up in 2014 (which I know is like a unicorn but still). Something I've noticed that made the Ice Bucket Challenge successful is that was easy to do, for a good cause, and open to different creative approaches. I'm trying to gather data on other challenges to come up with something myself (potentially) submitted by /u/SaintMcCloud [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Which SaaS companies are killing it on Twitter right now?

I would love to follow some examples. Most companies just share links to their websites which I think is horrendous. Thanks! submitted by /u/dvglantin [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Hashtags reaching only 5 to max 50 people

Hi, I try to grow the ig account of our brand and use hashtags under the posts but we only get like 5-max 50 views by hashtags. I used different hashtags every time. We are a clothing brand, so we don't have a big variety of hashtags. Still it's quite disappointing because I don't know how we can grow faster. Atm we are at around 250 followers. More than 50% of that are friends/family or by friends who gave us a shout-out. Would be nice if you could give me some tips. I read many blogs and stuff but still don't know why we are performing that bad. Thanks :) submitted by /u/Taroks [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Have you used Mavrck?

My client is asking me to do a demo with them, but no pricing on the website so I assume it is expensive. Anyone have any knowledge around their pricing? I don’t want to waste my or my clients time if it is expensive. Thanks!!!! submitted by /u/tinytroublemaker [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Looking for a video editing tool that has the same look and feel as Canva

I'm going to start producing videos for my work's social media – a new venture for me, personally. I've already bought a ring light and a tripod for my phone, but I am looking for basic video editing options that allow me to add subtitles, transitions, music and a branded banner. I have access to adobe creative cloud and logic pro x but my gut feel is that those are a bit too complex for what I hope to achieve. The videos would be hosted on IGTV and Twitter. submitted by /u/Ramen4Dayz [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Asking for advice for the title name of a blog/social account for a rural home build.

Im absolutely stuck for a name for my new personal blog account. I want to track the build of my new house/life in Lancefield. Lancefield is a small country town with a lot of ranch/cottage style houses in Australia Vic. So far all i have is a play on the song 'give me a home among the Lancefield' which is awful! Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Bonus if it can reference farm/ranges/gumtrees and the word lancefield somewhere. If there is a better place to ask for help please let me know - sorry in advance if this is the wrong sub! submitted by /u/soyoulikestuff [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Facebook personalized ad and the algorithms behind it

Recently my Facebook feed got overwhelmed with ads from Yahoo Search with a specific search entry "Psoriatic Arthritis". Did anyone else get the same search entry or is this personalized? I know Facebook has a deep reach on my internet activities, my credit card activities and text based conversations. Maybe they have a strong algorithm to detect a disease based on the data points they have on me. Should I be concerned? Or is this simply a strategy to make me feel concerned so that I click on the ad? submitted by /u/tiklu_rw [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

My posts on Instagram get 100k - 200k views in a week, and 50k - 60k profile visits; but only 800-1000 follows in a week. Is this normal? What can I do to increase my visit to follow ratio.

submitted by /u/eshaniupadhyay [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Best hashtags for cannabis on ig for engagement ?

submitted by /u/beansoclean [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Help with SMM Course -What is the Difference between Social Media Marketing and Social Media Monitoring?

I'm taking a social Media Management course and I've got a test in 2 days. I understand most of the material, but I'm still confused with two terms Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Monitoring . From what I understand all of them involve gathering data, social customer service and community management. What are the differences and how are they connected? I would really appreciate some help. If this is the wrong subreddit just point me in the right direction and delete this post. submitted by /u/LukeMara [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Just curious, what are some of the biggest struggles you face with growing your Instagram business account?

submitted by /u/themarketingnomad [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Which Instagram Analytics services is the most useful to use? (factoring in features, price and popularity)

Hi everyone! I’m in the early stages of running a news company that focuses on Instagram as the main distribution medium. The overall goal is to establish a following and brand image before expanding into another major form of mobile content distribution. After a month of posting and using Instagram best practices, we’ve seen about a 6.5% engagement rate. We get a lot of traffic from hashtags, but our follower conversion is way less than 0.05%. That said, what analytic tools would you recommend we invest in? preferably one that doesn’t break the bank. One that seems good so far is but I have no experience using it. Would be delighted if I can get some suggestions from veteran users of various tools. Thanks! submitted by /u/vincethemagician [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad br

Tried a few scheduling platforms but

Tried a few scheduling platforms like buffer but was just wondering if there was a tool out there that integrates the usual social media (facebook, instagram, twitter, pinterest) and also google my business and youtube? I have a client that has a ton of local stores / google my business that require regular content postings submitted by /u/dssblogger [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Creating a community to sell a product

Hey, I am building a houseplant community, the primary reason for creating this community is to sell houseplants through this channel. Also want to become an authority in the niche through this page. This community is based on Instagram and my main selling channel would be Instagram too. I want to grow the page to 10k followers before selling anything. Currently getting valuable feedback from potential customers. My question is that whether I should open a new Instagram account which I sell my product and promote it from the community account or sell products from the community page by slowly converting the page to a sales page? Which will be a better method? If I should open a new account, what is the best way to promote it with the community account? submitted by /u/JellyBrainiac [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác m

How do i get more interaction and views on TikTok?

I legit have been stuck on 50-60 followers for forever, my videos always only get like 0-10 views each, i even made an alt account to try and grow my main, but nothing is happeneing. Also i Share Copy Link my video about 20 times and still, nothing. I started in late June of this year (june 19-20th) and made TikToks for a couple weeks, then gave up, then i recently, within the last week, came back, and decided to keep posting at least 3 times a day, but i could run out of ideas, and have to end up possibly taking a nother hiatas. I've learnd that it's best to use trending hastags, and stuff like that, but are there any secret tip and tricks on how to grow? for all i know i could be chadow banned. For anyone wondering my TikTok is @ fire_jboat (i dont like to self promote but i though it would help) TL;DR i barely get any engagment, and need to cool tips and tricks and just suggestions on hoe to grow . submitted by /u/jbot- [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group -

What happened to the Facebook business pages feed?

I manage social media for two brands, and I often used the Facebook pages feed for each profile to see posts from the pages that each brand follows. It was a really easy way to engage with and share posts from the businesses we work with. Although Facebook removed the button to access this page a few years ago, you could still enter the URL manually: */*. Unfortunately, I noticed that stopped working sometime last week. Has anyone else had this issue and found a workaround? Not sure how many people were using this functionality anyways. Thanks in advance! submitted by /u/laters_potaters [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Should I pay for a facebook ads course $1975.00? Will it guarantee me sales?

has anyone had success paying for facebook ads courses? im not trying to drop 1975.00 on a course if its only going to teach me what i can find on the internet. I also don't have 2k to spend without knowing how much ill have to pay for my facebook ad campaigns. submitted by /u/Whitneycane [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Why most of the social media platforms don't allow direct affiliate links?

Most of the social media platforms ask us to redirect in our landing pages instead of direct sales page, why? submitted by /u/NiravSatya [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

This is for anyone in need of an Instagram Account Manager [Hire Me]

My name is Mbuti Wanza, and I have exceptional experience in managing and growing Instagram accounts. If hired, I will offer the following; •Post on your Instagram timeline daily (under your guidelines) • Grow your Instagram ( Gain real and active followers) • Research and use the right hashtags • Write post and product descriptions (if any) •Respond to your inboxes on your behalf ( only if permitted) • any other assigned task Rates: 5-10 $ per day ( depending on the complexity of your work) Discounted weekly rates: 25$ - 50$ per account. Discounted Monthly rates: 100$ - 200$ per account. Accepted payment methods: PayPal, Neteller, Skrill, Payoneer DM for more information if interested with my expertise. submitted by /u/Mbutieddy [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : m

Automating Retweets & Their Distribution

I have a list of 40 people categorized into 4 categories of 10 Twitter handles each. I'd like to send each one of them 3 scheduled news story retweets every day. Is there a tool that will allow me to do that? Can it work off of a spreadsheet? submitted by /u/Battle4Seattle [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Is there any way to create my own custom feed from selected websites?

Hi, I wanted to know, if there's any service that lets you create your own newsfeed from your selected websites. For example, if I want to fetch only sports news from various news websites, only sports news! Is it possible? submitted by /u/masterof000 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Snapchat Question: when you specifically stop certain people from seeing your location on the Snap Map what do they see?

When you can’t see someone’s location on Snapchat you instead have an option to “Request Location”. Sometimes you can select this and sometimes it’s grayed out. What triggers each of those options? Specifically, what do you see if someone uses the snap map but has selected “share my location with everyone except...” and puts you on that list of exceptions? I just noticed that a friend I normally can see on the snap map is no longer showing up and I DO have the option to request their location. I think when the option is available it could mean they just haven’t been on Snapchat in 8+ hours. Could it also mean they have stopped sharing their location specifically with me? Or if this were the case would I be unable to request their location? Thanks! submitted by /u/onomymous [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh googl

Offered Over $10K for an Instagram Meme Page.

Hi all, So the other night some one dm’d me and ‘said how much to buy your page?” Because I didn’t really want to sell, I replied $20k (way overpriced for an 11k followed IG meme page). This was supposed to be a joke btw. He then said “13k and we got a deal” For this price I would be more than happy to sell. I then asked if he was being 100% legitimate and was actually wanting to buy. He said he was. Should I sell or is this too suspicious? Is there any common scams when selling accounts? Note: Working in AUD currency, page is very niche/branded and has 11k followers. submitted by /u/_matthewwinter [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Ads on Facebook and Instagram not delivering.

Ive been facing an issue with ads on instagram and facebook since a few days now and haven't been able to find a resolution. I own a small business and have fb and instagram accounts for it. Lately ive noticed that my ads are not delivering at all. 0 insights, 0 impressions, $0 used from the budget and i have no idea why. I did not use ads manager to create or publish these ads as i am still learning how to use it. I used ad centre for facebook and instagram app to promote the posts, as I've done the same in the past and gotten decent results. Ive deleted the ads and posted them again with a different audience, waited for over a day and still nothing. What am i doing wrong? submitted by /u/peacedout [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0


For years now I have been told I have so much potential, but I live in a small town and don’t have much exposure or as much as I want I do modelling, makeup and art I am someone who loves to create art and I feel as though I am so underrated especially over social media. I have around 3 thousand Instagram and tiktok followers, only like 500 are active and have no idea how to help that grow, how to get myself and my art noticed Does anyone have any tips or tricks submitted by /u/pumpkinscon [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

A brave new world

Hi Guys, I'm a recent university graduate and been thrown in at the deep end at my new job. I've been tasked with creating the entire social media presence, processes and training of other staff members to use the Facebook account I'm setting up. I won't lie to you, a lot of my knowledge is theoretical and I feel a little overwhelmed so I thought I'd turn to you guys. I don't really have any specific questions but more asking for tips, tricks and any valuable knowledge that you could pass on to me. Just for context, it's a mid sized store turning over ~£1.2 million, just off a town high street, any more context needed and I'd be happy to explain Thanks A Severely Stressed Graduate submitted by /u/dummythiccccccccc [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad bre

How to hire someone to make Tiktok videos for me?

Hello everyone, I own a tiktok account with followers in the 80-110k range. I don't have time to film videos anymore, but looking to pay someone else to take it over for me. I would do all of the planning + provide all of the topic info (will be personal finance/startup focused), just need someone that's comfortable getting in front of the camera to make a post 2x/week, which should take about 20-40 minutes per post. Where would I go to find this sort of "paid actor"? Or alternatively, if anyone is interested please DM me. submitted by /u/Dwoot12 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

account management, hire someone or software?

I'm looking into having a managed Instagram account and posting content from a TikTok account with a follower base of a few million. As producing content (script, film, edit) as well as engagement and advertising is very time-consuming I'm looking for something to expand across platforms without significantly increasing workload. Would this be more easily done with software or hiring someone freelance? What would be the cost of freelance? submitted by /u/silk186 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Snaps loading after a week?

I sent a snap a week ago, but the recipient told me that the snap had just loaded although the timestamp had the delivery date on their end too. Is this a known glitch/ has this happened to anyone else? submitted by /u/indigo014 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

What are the Best hashtags to target to increase Instagram engagement for a musician from Toronto?

Hey guys, I’m a hip hop and r&b artist from Toronto and I’m looking to use Gary Vee’s 1.80$ method to increase Instagram engagement and followers. What are the best hashtags for me to look up? Or how would I determine the best ones? Also would it be better to comment and like the top posts Or the recent posts using that hashtag? Thanks ! submitted by /u/jordanraymusic [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Best posting frequency for instagram, twitter, facebook and linkedin?

Hi, I'm a newbie when it comes to social media marketing & wondering what are the best posting frequency for social networks? currently just posting 2x on each of them. Thanks submitted by /u/Neoguy396 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

American TikTok

So i recently moved from usa to germany and i started a tiktok account here in germany and i make english content but the only people who likes, comments and follows me is german people i only like american videos i changed my timezone and language to usa but still its only german people and alot of them got really poor english but i wanna reach a larger audience what should i do? submitted by /u/lightarenjolle [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

my instagram was hacked and all my messages were deleted

can someone please help me? my instagram account was hacked (eight weeks ago) and all my dms were deleted. i have a really important conversation from 2019 that i have with someone (they still have the messages on their end) that i really desperately need back and i feel ive tried everything to get the messages back with him. i have downloaded all my instagram data through gmail and looked through all of the ones they have provided through the .JSON files. i feel so hopeless. can anyone help me, please? submitted by /u/timeasses [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Issues with new Facebook update?

Has anyone else noticed a huge difference in Facebook after the most recent update? Or have any advice on speeding up the process of posting? Our page posts multiple videos per day (2-10 videos, always less than 2 minutes in length) and recently they’ve started taking a long time to load. It can take at least 20+ minutes for a 1 minute video to load. Before, it used to post instantly and notify us that it was ready to view. I have tried uploading lower quality videos, shortening them, etc. but always run into the same issue. It takes three times as long to do a simple post :/ There have also been glitches where the caption disappears after posting, or sometimes the caption will post without the picture or video content. Is anyone else experiencing this? submitted by /u/tiredcactus [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác mi

Users not pleased with Instagram's top hashtags "supporting the fight against social injustice" saying the failed to include very important ones.

Twitter shares top hashtags in fight against social injustice submitted by /u/Oroboroschorus [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

I need to take down my old twitter account but don't have access to it

i have an old twitter account, from 2014 that i need to take down, however i do not have access to it. i do not remember the email the account is registered under nor the phone number, and even if i did remember the phone number i have a different number at this point.. when i try resetting i see the last bit of the email and can come close to guessing it but cannot get it exactly. i've tried looking everywhere but i can no longer gain access to this old account... the account does have my real name, location and information & it's a public account. is there a way i can send twitter support a picture of my license with my real location (that is accurate to the one on the profile) proving that its me and i want the profile taken down? maybe i can report it or have someone report it as a fake profile? i don't currently have any social media or a new twitter as i wish to not be on anything anymore...which option is possible or would work better? or what other option

What is the best practise to share youtube videos on facebook for best reach?

I'm no longer sure which way gets around the facebook war against youtube... I've tried Direct youtube links Short 15-30 second previews or Thumbnail with the link in the description or the comments.... But if its in the comments and gets shared no one sees it? so no one clicks the link? So is it better to just leave a youtube link in the description? Or does it help if you mask it in a short link? I'm no longer sure submitted by /u/montezband [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Tiktok Restricted Passcode issue

Hello All Wonder if anyone can help with a Tiktok issue I've uncovered during my testing. I run training courses on Social Media & Online visibility for Young People starting out in business so was doing some research into TikTok prior to updating my content. Incidentally, I did some research regarding childrens' use of TikTok a while back (as lots of school age kids around here seem to have access in spite of the 13 age restriction) and out of 10 sample feed videos, 6 were NSFW in some form or other so if you haven't used it, be aware of your brand values! The new Restricted mode really seems to work in bringing that under control though so give it a try if you haven't. Anyway, that's where my problem starts. I was experimenting with multiple accounts - as that's how a lot of people will work it, personal & business profiles. Popped an account on the phone using the phone number. Restricted mode, works fine. I added another account using an email,

Does FB/IG Ads work for a fashion influencer?

Hi everyone, I'm approaching for the first time a model who asked me to help her growth on the social media, mainly on Instagram. Of course my first thought was to activate some traffic campaigns to raise her followers. Since this is my first time with a model I was wondering how worth would it be and how many results can I expect to reach? Do you have any experience on this? Hope it's clear enough. Thanks in advance for all the considerations. D. submitted by /u/17shin [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

How does your brand justify investing in social when it can’t be tied to sales or ROI?

submitted by /u/KnightXtrix [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Need help with targeting Facebook custom audience list through pageuid

I want to target some very specific business owners, so I thought getting a list of Facebook pages with their pageuid and targeting them using Custom Audience would work. At first, it said that I needed a list longer than 1000 entries for it to be used as the audience, but now that I do have it, it doesn't give any errors and it says the ad is active, but still there are 0 impressions on the ad. I tried creating a look-alike audience but it says I need a custom audience with a list larger than 100 customers so, for some reason, it isn't picking up the customers from the pageuid. Any advice on what's going wrong? Is it that targeting Facebook pages isn't a smart move? If yes, how can I target certain business owners because my business relies on the customer being a business owner. submitted by /u/dumb_persn [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, m

Fail to Improve your Facebook Organic Reach

submitted by /u/theaffiliatehub [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Sentiment analysis suggestions

Can you reccomend a good sentiment analysis tool that could help me analyze private messages on Instagram and Facebook? I'd appreciate if you also share your user experience with the tool. submitted by /u/npucheu [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Instagram hashtag reach drop..

I used to have around 10k hashtag reach.. now i only have like 3-200 only.. What did i do wrong? or it’s just instagram trying to make me buy ads. I also realised that my following rate dropped so much. I got more unfollows than follows. I didn’t do anything wrong. I was literally blowing up.. I know there is thousands of posts like this everyday, but if anyone knows the answer on how to make the reach better, please let me know, or if there is any previous posts about this with answers, drop me a link. In my opinion, I shouldn’t go with hashtags anymore since i got 2,400 followers now to start off. Or should i buy an add to see if something changes. I’m really taking this seriously and looking for serious answers. Thank you so much :) submitted by /u/idkwhatsnick [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, m

Instagram Hashtag, location and account directories

On the desktop you can access these mass lists of hashtags, locations and top accounts. Is anyone using these at all? submitted by /u/eeeeems86 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Facebook Ads Reach is decreasing. Facing loss

Facebook Ads Reach is decreasing. Facing loss abs reduced sales. 24 may 2020 Rs 43000 use to get me reach of 528,000 people 23 july 2020 Rs 61000 is getting only reach of 222,000 people This is ruining the business. Please help me with this submitted by /u/muazenakhez [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Instagram Follower Growth..

Hey y’all, I recently made an Instagram to display my house plant collection. I’ve been stuck at a certain amount of followers for a while. Any suggestions how to increase my followers, and interact more with them? Thanks! submitted by /u/vcortezzzz [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

How does one gain the status of a social media influencer?

I often here that, but what does that even mean? Is it for having the xxx amount of followers? Lots Or it is a matter of good branding? How does one get to that point? I am still getting the hang of SM, I am so uncomfortable following people so they will be follow me back. If it’s not for my blog and business, I wouldn’t touch it with a ten feet pole. I have a good reputation in my field, I am confident that I have valued content but the getting strangers to trust my “brand” seem out of reach. submitted by /u/inspiredM [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Hi how can I unfriend all of my facebook friends at once? I was searching youtube and got no luck, I dont have laptops etc. I only have a phone.

submitted by /u/jmramzzz [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Help with building an instagram

Can’t bring myself to post anything I’m a 23, M, in college. I have no active social media besides Snapchat and LinkedIn. I made an Instagram a while back and I get on fairly frequently. My issue is that I can never make myself post anything on Instagram. I just want some suggestions, if it sounds weak I understand but I need advice. I am decently handsome but I have some ugly features, it’s just that I feel like my personality changes and I feel incredibly fake just thinking about what to post. I’m not that in to social media but I really need to build up at least an Instagram, it is huge in my opinion on building social networks, socializing, etc. I feel like as a man I shouldn’t take selfies, my friends never take pictures like that and even though I stay active and do interesting things I never capitalize on them to photograph. Not sure if i need a sort of style coach or something along those lines. I know this seems trivial but I want to build my brand because that’s the rou

Cannot join a Facebook group as a Page I am an Admin of. Tried literally everything. Details below.

I manage a page (of an athlete) where I have recently been promoted from Editor to Admin. To be able to interact better with the fans, I'd like to join several groups, though when I want to do so, I can only join as my personal profile. I even asked the creator of the page to try to do it - no success. I gather that many people have that issue. Can something be wrong with the page itself? The groups I'm talking about have recently been joined by some pages, so there should not be a problem as far as group settings are concerned. I tried contacting the admins, but they haven't replied yet. I'm desperate. I'm starting to think there is a wide-spread bug and Facebook is doing absolutely nothing about it expect for wasting the potential some group-page connections can bring. Will appreciate any input. Thank you. submitted by /u/maikee_bery [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên

Why do some TikToks only get viewed by followers?

So I'm not sure this is the case but I post a lot of my clips from twitch onto tiktok for some extra discoverability but I've found with videos that are one 30-59 second clip they get around 150-300 views which is pretty good for me. But if it's a clip that I've had to edit together (multiple clips that exceed 59 seconds) they only get at most 7 views and that number exactly matches the amount of followers I have. Some of those edited ones I think are the best of my content and takes the longest to make so its a little disheartening, just wondering why this happens and if there's anything I can do to stop it? submitted by /u/Exoraii [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển

Action blocked 4 times on instagram

I’ve been having trouble with my Instagram account for a while now. I get an action block for a week, I get through it, and not even three days later I get it again. I’m an active art account that’s never used 3rd party apps. My account settings say I have no links to any 3rd party apps either. Instagram support isn’t much help. How is my account compromised. Why and how does this keep happening? What can I do to avoid this? Not only is it annoying, it hurts my account. Any help is greatly appreciated. submitted by /u/ratmaster613 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

If I send a snap to someone that doesn’t have internet connection, what will happen?

submitted by /u/0liv5r [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Facebook account issues

Hi all, I’ve been trying to set up Facebook ads for my new business. However, every time I log onto Facebook, no matter which email I use, I always keep getting blocked. I have tried switching out and using a VPN, clearing cache and cookies, and using a multitude of different emails, but nothing seems to work. I am just trying to set up Facebook marketing but Facebook, for whatever reason, keeps blocking me. They say my account violated community guidelines even when I haven’t posted a single fucking thing. Someone please help. submitted by /u/Its_da_boys [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Facebook issues

Hi all, I’ve been trying to set up Facebook ads for my new business. However, every time I log onto Facebook, no matter which email I use, I always keep getting blocked. I have tried switching out and using a VPN, clearing cache and cookies, and using a multitude of different emails, but nothing seems to work. I am just trying to set up Facebook marketing but Facebook, for whatever reason, keeps blocking me. They say my account violated community guidelines even when I haven’t posted a single fucking thing. Someone please help. submitted by /u/Its_da_boys [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Hit me up for botting services, all social media!

submitted by /u/kush-tripdude420 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Are CBD cigarettes OK to promote in social media? I see Endo Tokes doing it, but I feel like it's a matter of time till they get their wings clipped.

I have seen a few brands selling the same product and posting cigarette ads with no problem at all. I'll link to examples in the comments. Thanks for the advice! submitted by /u/kentuckyfriedbuddha [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Basic, Better, Best

On my website, I currently just list my services, but I'm thinking of moving to a Basic, Better, Best pricing structure. I usually see this method utilised on SaaS websites. Has anyone tried this approach for their social media services? Is it successful? What services did you include within your offering? submitted by /u/themjsocial [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

How to Promote our Video Editing Service on Social Media?

Me and my friend have been editing videos for ourselves for a while and we've become pretty good at it as well. We've been thinking about providing Editing Services to people or brands. How would we go about promoting this on various social media? And what are the best platforms to do so? submitted by /u/OMN1TR0N [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

This for anyone in need of an Instagram Account Manager

I have exceptional experience in managing and growing Instagram accounts. If hired, I will offer the following; •Post on your Instagram timeline daily (under your guidelines) • Grow your Instagram ( Gain real and active followers) • Research and use the right hashtags • Write post and product descriptions (if any) •Respond to your inboxes on your behalf ( only if permitted) • any other assigned task Rates: 5-10 $ per day ( depending on the complexity of your work) Discounted weekly rates: 25$ - 50$ per account. Discounted Monthly rates: 100$ - 200$ per account. Accepted payment methods: PayPal, Neteller, Skrill, Payoneer DM for more information if interested with my expertise. submitted by /u/Mbutieddy [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 09770

I connected my phone number to TikTok - was this a bad move?

I connected my phone number to TikTok because they require it if you want to DM someone. I was a little weirded out by the requirement, especially because of all the recent news about TikTok getting banned in some places. I'm bringing this up because I was talking to some friends about TikTok, and they called me an idiot for adding my phone number 😅 Is it bad that TikTok now has my phone number? Is it any different than giving other apps (WhatsApp, Snapchat, Facebook, etc.) your phone number? submitted by /u/7yearmed [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Have you ever successfully changed someone's mindset on the value of Social Media for businesses? Keen to hear your experiences

submitted by /u/Shorse_rider [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Best time to post on tiktok ?

Does time of the day matter ? Im in UK submitted by /u/King_TG [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

How do I find out how many tweets a hashtag gets?

Are there any websites that will let me check how many tweets a hashtag has for a specific period? Example if I wanted to know how many people mentioned #BLM in the last week, what would be a good site to search? The sites I went to wanted to charge if I wanted to search a specific time frame. submitted by /u/nicfanz [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Tiktok Algorithm

So i started posting on tiktok a month ago, my first video went viral and i gained 2k followers in a week. I kept on uploading stuff until last week another one of my videos went viral and got 1M views. I now have 26k followers, while most of my new uploads get 2k-5k views most on the lower end. Is there a reason why my followers are not seeing my content? submitted by /u/smh60 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM