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How To Sell On Instagram With Instagram Story Assessments

Selling on Instagram can be challenging and frustrating sometimes, you may have spent countless hours working to grow your account but it seems you just can't convert followers to buyers.

Being unable to convert Instagram Followers to buyers is a common problem but it's not one you have to face any more as I'll show you how to get sales from Instagram through Instagram story assessments.

Most people focus on the feed and the link in bio while trying to sell on the gram but this has proved to be an unsuccessful strategy, after helping different businesses with Instagram Marketing I can tell you without a doubt that most of the sales you'll get come from:

— Stories

— DMs

What Are Instagram Story Assessments?

We've discussed how selling on Instagram can be a challenge and you also know focusing on the Instagram Feed as your main sales strategy won't give you the best results

So what are Instagram Story Assessments? Well, an Instagram Story assessment is a collection of stories that help you fulfil two objectives:

— Build rapport while highlighting the problems of your target audience

— Offer a solution and sell

People will buy from you if you can show you genuinely care about them instead of constantly spamming them with stories like “New Arrival, Swipe up to buy”

Yes the spamming thing could work if you have a huge audience, but what happens if you don't?

How Are Instagram Story Assessments Done?

Creating an Instagram story assessment isn't difficult as all you have to do is come up with 5 or more questions that highlight the pains, dreams, and desires of your audience.

The 5 (or more) questions you come up with should be posted as individual stories and you'll be using polls and quizzes to make it easy for people to answer these questions.

Your 5 or more stories should follow this order:

— First story (problem)

— Second story (pain of achieving their desire + fictional solution)

— Third story (commitment question — get them to say yes)

— Fourth story (commitment question)

— Fifth story (Call to action + urgency/scarcity

Here's an example of how this strategy can be used to get sales in the Weight loss niche (example from the top of my head)

👁 Check the example here ⇉ tinyurl(dot)com/Storyassessmentexample

Replace (dot) with .

💭 First Story — “how many pounds do you think you can lose in the next 3months”

Then we gave them options which include:

A. 10 – 15

B. 15 – 20

C. 20 – 30

The question is to pre frame the next story (2nd story) which asks:

💭 “what do you think is the easiest way to lose 30lbs this month?”

And we gave options which include:

A. Fasting

B. More exercise

C. A better diet

💭 The Third story asks: “if you could lose 30 lbs this month without fasting and exercise, would you?”

A poll with two options was added here

Option: 1 — Yes

Option 2 — No

Now this is a pain point, and we're offering them a way to reach their goal without effort and pain, this is also a commitment question as we want them to just say yes.

💭 The Fourth Story asks:

“I would like to help you lose 30lbs this month without fasting, and exercise, are you up for the challenge”

A poll with two options was added here:

Option 1: Lets Gooo!

Option 2: No, I don't like challenges

This question gets people to commit on a small scale and most will click the “let's gooo” button

💭 The 5th Story (Call to Action)

The 5th story is quite straightforward as we're just telling them what to do to join the challenge, in this case we're asking them to DM us by saying

“DM Me [Lose 30] to join the challenge”

90% of people who have followed the assessment from the first story will actually DM us due to the law of consistency (they said yes before so there's a high chance they'll say yes again).

💭 The 6th Story (Call To Action + Urgency”

The 6th story says: “Last Chance to join the challenge, DM me [Lose30] to reserve your spot before the countdown expires”

We added a 24hour countdown timer to this ⏱

The 6th story is optional or can be done a day after the assessment

Who Should Use Instagram Story Assessments For Sales?

Anyone can use this strategy but it works best for high ticket products, I usually use this strategy for businesses who require a “human” approach to getting sales.

Well, that's all on selling with Instagram Story Assessments, happy to answer your questions.

Hope this helps ❤

submitted by /u/RedditBizHelper
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