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Instagram Followers groups on Facebook don't help you, they hurt you (here's why)

Hey there,

I'm just getting started in Instagram Marketing. I wanted to try different tactics for growing my account. We all need that initial social proof to get more followers. But at the end of the day, using these tactics won't help you in the long run because those followers won't engage/convert.

So I joined some of these Instagram Followers groups on Facebook to get initial followers. And they're BS and a waste of time. Here's why:

  1. Most of the people posting there actually do not follow you back (about 20% do, that's worse than randomly following in relevant (!) hashtags). A lot of them just have a bot running or copy/paste their profile link. That means you're wasting resources of your daily action limit.
  2. These resources (and your time) would actually be better spent looking for people in your niche and creating MEANINGFUL COMMENTS on their pics, leave some likes and then follow them. So far, this has gotten me 100% backfollows, and those are in my target group. This will actually allow you to do some meaningful and productive research on your personas, too.
  3. The followers created this way are highly likely not in your target group.
  4. You'll end up with a really bad follower/following ratio.

Therefore I created a Facebook group to (hopefully) circumvent the faults of these follower groups by giving it a rule set that will be strictly enforced:

  • Post your Instagram profile, and the line "include the codeword XXX in your answer" (you can choose your codeword freely)
  • If you answer to one of the posts, ALWAYS INCLUDE THE CODEWORD
  • If you have followed anyone, comment on their answer with DONE and ADRESS THEM SPECIFICALLY
  • Please REPORT everyone who doesn't adhere to the rules 1, 2, and 3.
  • Please follow people who answer to your request (ONLY WITH CODEWORD) FIRST. That's to keep people engaged who already had their run keep spam out.
  • After two days, check your thread and compare to your follower list. They haven't followed you back? Report them. They do this often enough, they get banned. And unfollow them, of course.
  • Please take at least a 5 days break before reposting your profile thread

I'm keeping the link out because this thread has been deleted two times, now. If mods say "Go", I'll post a link to the group, because I think it would actually be helpful.

submitted by /u/VitkiLokison
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Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks
Website : mua fanpage
Hotline : 0977099016
Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

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