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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 2, 2020

Tiktok’s algorithm is infuriating (help)

For the past couple weeks I’ve been posting on tiktok. Most of my videos get around 100-200 views, and sometimes one will get a couple thousand. 2 days ago I had nothing to post so I just found a kind of funny video from my camera role and it randomly blew up. It’s been 2 days and it’s still getting views (100k+). The infuriating thing is that the video sucks! Nobody is liking it, and I’m getting no followers, so I don’t know why tiktok keeps showing it to people! Now every time I post something new I get 10-20 views and no likes outside of the people that follow me. It’s like tiktok gave me a chance on a random video of mine to become famous and now has stopped sharing my videos entirely. Has anyone else experienced this drought of views after a video blows up? Does it eventually go back to normal? Any help would be greatly appreciated! submitted by /u/asapicton [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook,

Transfer Facebook ad account from personal to business?

For some reason my Ad account is connected to my personal page instead of my business page. The ads have been running correctly on my business page but I want to transfer and connect that ad account (and keep all existing data in tact) to its actual business page. How would I do this? submitted by /u/makeuplvr86 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Instagram engagement

Hey guys, i run a meme account with 133.7k followers. I haven’t been getting more than +100 followers in a whole week and just after turning it private i got 1.7k followers in about 1 week. But i turned public again and it’s still the same issue. This week has also been the worst with only less than 6% engagement rate from people who don’t follow me and likes have decreased almost in half 10-12k to 5-6k likes per post. Is anyone else experiencing this? If yes what did you do to fix it? should i just turn my page private and keep it that way? How frequently are you posting? Using hashtags or not? Etc. thanks for reading submitted by /u/albannonymous [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - N

Looking for anyone working with Twitter

I am looking to speak to someone who currently works for twitter and could really listen to my situation and work together with me to solve my issue. I am having some really bad anxiety over this and cannot stop thinking about this because I feel like I have done nothing wrong. I am a loyal twitter user for many years and use twitter for personal use and also to make friends in the twitter community. Twitter is my choice of social media and out of nowhere I was hit with a suspension of the reason “platform manipulation and spam”. One person decided to falsely mass report me which led to my accounts getting suspended. I have not broken or violated any twitter rules nor did I violate any rules under the “platform manipulation and spam”. Please, I’m begging anyone out there that works with Twitter and could help me resolve this issue, please contact me as soon as possible. It’s been 4 days since I’ve sent in an appeal and no response yet. submitted by /u/augustin_song [link] [

2 week results on a new Instagram meme page

After seeing the stories somewhere on Reddit, maybe here, about using memes to grow an an account to thousands very quickly I thought I'd give it a shot. My niche is Real Estate and what it's like to be an agent. So I created all new memes. I didn't take other people's work like some suggested. It was more work than I had hoped but I enjoyed it. I don't think I followed and I followed the volume of people they suggested. Also, my source for the follows was a major meme page, a trending hashtag in my field and a large company. It seemed impossible to know if I would be just refollowing the same people that I followed so I haven't done a lot of unfollowing. Currently I have 400 followers, net following 2094. I've probably unfollowed 150 people before I stopped but I'm not sure. It's been 2 weeks with 40 posts. I used 27 relevant hashtags but I very rarely get a follow that I wasn't already following. So I don't know if there hashtags matter

Is it weird that I am starting to get less involved in social media? I am 19M. I just feel happier and less stressed when I am not using social media as much. I also seem to have more time. Does anyone else not really like social media?

submitted by /u/oiitsyaboy [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Mimicking FB pages - is there a tool that post whatever I post on a page will post on others?

I’m trying to populate multiple pages at the same time. Ideally, I can post to one page and it would also post to pages XYZ. Is scheduling manually really necessary or can I use a tool to schedule the posts once and put them XYZ pages? Any help is appreciated, thanks! submitted by /u/FrugalityPays [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

What apps should I use for trending TikTok Hashtags?

What apps do you guys use for Trending Hashtags on TikTok? I use TagTok Pro, but it only lets me copy 10 hashtags to my clipboard at a time. Does anyone know of others? submitted by /u/the1foodie [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Looking for a management platform with approval process built in

I’m looking for a content management platform that would let me draft a post and mark it as pending approval before posting. My new job does social media in a clunky way; they draft posts in an Excel spreadsheet (yes...) and has a process of: draft content, superior reviews and marks as approved, post is translated, and then someone schedules it in Hootsuite. This is process-heavy and clunky. Is there a management tool that would let me draft posts, require approval, and then let me post directly from there instead of playing a game of copy/paste? If not, any suggestions on best practices out there to do this more easily, please share. submitted by /u/FiveSubwaysTall [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lư

How do I create a pre-written LinkedIn post for my colleagues to share to their networks?

We've got a company announcement and I'd like to make it easy for colleagues to share this to their own LinkedIn network. I'd like to write up the post and include the link for them and be able to give them a link they can click that takes them directly to posting (or letting them edit the post/add a personal touch). I've seen this done before! Thanks for any pointers! submitted by /u/bluebottlethere [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Instagram flawed copyright report rant

Today morning I filed a copyright report against an instagram repost page who reposted two of my original videos without credit. Some time later, the two original videos got removed from my profile due to copyright infringement. Turned out that the repost page guy made a copyright claim on my original work using my personal information which he had obtained from the report that I have made earlier that day. So it looked like I made a copyright claim against myself. Hope you guys understood what happened. This is really frustrating as now I had to retract the complain even though I didn't make one and I don't even know if it will be retracted and my original video will be restored😑 submitted by /u/racracra [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotlin

How do you edit the layout and assets of a Facebook ad for different feeds?

I created a pretty straightforward Facebook ad (website clicks). Set my audience, interests, budget, etc. I only wanted it to be a Facebook carousel ad, but I see in the Ads Manager 'preview' section that I can view it as a Facebook Story, Instagram Story, Instagram post, etc. Does that mean it's also running as these other types of posts? The automated layout for each one is absolute garbage and just took the copy that I'd created specifically for this carousel layout, and threw it on those other social posts without any order or context. Can I edit that? Why would it do that in the first place? submitted by /u/WriterPaperback [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà

Any facebook group admins here to help?

About 2 years ago I started a group on facebook, this year a lot of people have joined, around 800 members but I have a problem. Occasionally some members have sent me a message telling me they dont see the option to start a post or share anything. Probably around 10 members have the same issue. I've searched on google and I cant find an answer or any help. I went thru all the group settings and everything seems ok. Those members can post on other groups but not mine. Any idea what's going on? submitted by /u/PicanteSauceDSM [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Is Facebook dead?

submitted by /u/gotti92 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

When are we going to replace Instagram with another platform? Rant

Hello everyone! I just got into this sub and the several threads I have read warmed my heart a bit. I'm a photographer, I've been doing this since I was 14 and this is my life, the passion that gets me through it. I left Facebook completely in 2016 (I was bored of it and it did give me social anxiety) to focus on Instagram since, by the time, it was a nice option for visual artists. As you all very much know, the app is changing very, very quickly and suddenly. You are soon gonna have to pay to even get your post to be seen by the people who are already following you. I tried the pro account for some time (with a fake/empty fb page) and decided to go back to regular after a year of so (I didn't see a lot of results from it). As of now, I'm feeling unmotivated and pissed at this app. Just the idea of posting something has become some kind of sport /mind game where you have to basically becole a business shark more than an artist. It's exhausting. I'm not a manag

I need local marketing experts for my agency.

Commission based job. submitted by /u/rockingart [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

What is Social Listening And What are its Benefits for Businesses

submitted by /u/rama-aggarwll [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Can I get a job.

submitted by /u/MohdAbdulMajeed [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Will FB limit or block my account?

HI! I got this pop-up every time I try to message someone new. "You may want to slow down or stop to avoid a restriction on your account. We limit how often you can post, comment or do other things in a given amount of time to help protect the community from spam." Then I have to click on the captcha box and it allows me to send a message. Will, it ever disappear? submitted by /u/jamesftf [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Auto like browser script, anyone?

I successfully used this script for a good while, until it stopped working. Searched all over the internet for something similar or a fix for the existing one, with no success. Does anyone know about a script like this which works? Or something (app, program, etc) that does the same. The script basically liked instagram posts with a certain hashtag or location. submitted by /u/Speedy_J [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

I’m a Social a Media Management Expert

With vast experiences in managing social median accounts for businesses, Celebrities and individuals at very affordable rates. Please contact me. I have a team of professionals that can get the job done with awesome results! submitted by /u/The_improviser [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Good simple Twitter scheduler

Any suggestions for an app that can set up a really simple default schedule for tweets on a Twitter account? I want to be able to set up tweets to go out without ever actually opening twitter and then falling into the hole. What I’m looking for ideally is something where I can just set a list of recurring weekly time slots, and then whenever I put a tweet in it automatically goes into the next available slot. Even better still would be if it could integrate with Drafts for iOS, so that I can just punch the tweet straight in as a draft and then tee it up from there. submitted by /u/BigEarlLongbody [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Tik Tok videos stop getting likes at certain point?

So I’ve noticed for some of my other videos, at first, within an hour, they’ll get a couple hundred likes, but then suddenly stop, and then slowly climb up again. And I’ve had some blow up after a couple days. I was just wondering if this was a part of the algorithm, for the videos to get a good amount of likes at first, and then slowly build up? And has anyone else experienced this, where it seems like it’s blowing up within the first hours, and then slows down? And do you think it could grow more with time? Thank you! submitted by /u/gracegilligan [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

How do you predict KPIs for clients?

Hey everyone! I wanted to pick your brains and see what your process is like for measuring / reporting / predicting KPIs for clients? Emphasis on predicting as social media is unpredictable. I normally work on an account a few weeks, study the numbers and make predictions from there. Is there a more effective way to approach this? submitted by /u/jadesangel [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Hell i read the rules before writing this post , i hope i am not violating any rule so if you mind i have a question, i want to track a word on facebook i want to count how many times it was mentioned during a certain period , can you link me to any ressources to learn how to do it ? Thank you !

submitted by /u/furlong0 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Facebook post organic reach ends after 100-130 likes

I notice that posts made by people not pages rarely get over 100 likes, over a long period of time I think this is probably a design made by Facebook to end post organic reach once it reaches over 130 likes submitted by /u/GoddessTV [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

I need social media management gigs

Please help a brother! I’m desperate and oh, I have sufficient experience. submitted by /u/The_improviser [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

What are some good Twitter analysis programs?

I hope I am posting in the right place. I am a student working on a project where I would like to do some analysis on a few twitter accounts within a specific time frame. Basically, I was wondering if there are any programs that you guys may know of that allow me to take a certain number of tweets within a certain time frame which then would let me know some basic summary statistics. For example how many tweets, words used most often, follower growth, reach of tweets, likes, etc. The goal of my project is to identify if being prevalent and active on twitter leads to successful control of image and narrative for business or political elites. Any help is appreciated! Again, I hope I am in the right place. submitted by /u/VvTrapsvV [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua

Best practices with mentions on Twitter

Hey SocialMedia people. I'm a photographer (and programmer) and I've been writing an app to do a daily "Photo of the Day" post to my different social media apps. Facebook and twitter are up and running, however I'm not super familiar with Twitter and want to make sure I'm making the best of it. I know what the official rules are regarding Twitter automation & mentions, but I'm wondering from a marketer's perspective, do you guys mention other accounts that you don't know personally but who you think just might be interested in the tweet, and does it ever work and get their attention? For instance I'm an astro photographer, would tagging the occasional "space" celebrity or organization be in any way beneficial or frowned upon when posting an astro photo? Any other tips specific to Twitter are welcome as well of course. Thanks! submitted by /u/jawanda [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, m

Best Instagram bot automation

I’m just looking at different options for Social growth. What are your recommendations for the best Instagram bot automation (not looking for spam. Just ways to help with follower growth and engaging with followers using automation). Thanks! submitted by /u/rbjoe [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Not getting any views on new TikTok Account

Hi everyone, I started a tiktok account for a game that has a massive community. I created this account yesterday and liked a lot of videos in my niche and following some people too. I did this just so tiktok wouldn't think I am a bot or something before posting a video. After a couple of hours I posted my very first video, using three relevant hashtags in my niche, yet I have 2 views. From looking it up, most people can get a couple of hundred right off the bat when they start, so I dont understand what I am doing wrong. Does anyone have any ideas? It is my first tiktok account ever so its not like I was banned on another or anything. Thanks in advance! :) submitted by /u/terriblephotographs [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Đi

Newbie here - I have a question about a payment

Hi, I'm an experienced SEO article writer, and recently I've bid on a social media management job. My pitch was good and I'm getting interviewed. Now I'm getting the question about the payment. How much would you charge this? - Order 4 articles per month, through Fiverr/Upwork. - Content quality check, because we need to have quality content from the SEO Writers. Social media management: -FB 5x posts per day - website links post with an introduction. -Insta 1x post per day - a beautiful picture about upcoming good game or etc. -Twitter 5x posts per day - website links post with introduction. -Reddit 1x post per day - Answer posts in a smart way. Also can ask questions and rise topics. -Quora 1x post per day - Answering questions in a smart way. - Forums 10x posts per day - 10 different forums, one post per day, per forum. He is asking me how much they need to pay me daily. I have no clue. submitted by /u/Clairvoyance1991 [link] [comments] Andy Ng

Instagram Reach/Impressions vs Engagement

Hi guys, I run a an account on Instagram with 41.5k followers. All the followers are legit, never bought any whatsoever. I post everyday around 3pm since it’s my peak time. I posted a photo a week ago and got 3217 likes and 225 comments which to me is not that bad and the reach was 16505. Now fast forward today, it’s been a couple days now that my likes and comments are really low. I posted today at 3pm and got only 541 likes and 6 comments and the reach is at 4935. Is there something wrong? I’ve noticed that my followers have gone up much lately. I haven’t change the content, still targetting the same audience.. Thanks! submitted by /u/unreal07 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển

Social media and the presentation of self

Do you ever find yourself in a self-comparison state when on social media? If so, do you believe it effects your sense of self-presentation? When or if you have posted selfies online, have you ever doctored the images for a desired portrayal? It’s totally okay if you have, because I have too. Time and time again I found myself editing my photos, removing imperfections and changing the shape of my facial and body features. It’s important for us to understand that sociocultural appearance ideals have been pushed over and over again throughout our society using tools such as mass media to reinforce beauty standards. Research has found that these ideals are positively associated with appearance shame, which is a feeder for emotional issues such as low self-esteem, depression,and anxiety. By “looking at others” especially in social media, we get the sense of what is expected of us and adhere to these expectations with the desire to be favorable. Goffman pointed out that when we are in soci

How to get social media followers to sign up and use our website?

Me and group of college kids have been working on a new note-sharing site that’s free to use and pays users for posting notes that the community responds well to. I’m in charge of social media, and I don’t really think I know what I’m doing. We’ve been posting on Instagram weekly updates on average payouts, team member spotlights, weekly tips on what notes perform well, and educational posts on how the site works. We have 93 followers after 2 weeks, but...we’ve had 2 organic users on the site. The rest (43 of them) are just us telling people in person and even uploading notes for them. How do I get more conversions? What kind of things should I be posting? The main issue is that we aren’t selling a it’s kind of hard for me. Please help! submitted by /u/fragileego3333 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác m

80 Posts per month.

I made the stupid mistake of not knowing my worth and going for a position where I have to write 20-25 posts a week with a not so great pay. On top of this I do competition research, graphics, hashtag research, engagement. Luckily, I can mostly repurpose their content. What is your system for spending less time/cutting down time on writing the posts? I know I deserve working my ass off for a little pay after signing the contract and not thinking the pay through. I was thinking: Writing custom templates for re-use Using scripts on chrome submitted by /u/xm00nch1ld [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Social Media sucks

Anyone just tired of seeing the same stuff?? Kinda wish all these social media apps got deleted or something, its a major waste of time in my opinion how do y’all feel about it? submitted by /u/Priscixxa [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Curious about statistics behind user-based image flagging on social media...

I recently had a post of mine flagged on Instagram. A post that I couldn't even fathom why someone would flag it. When looking at the flagging options listed, the only reason I could see someone not liking would fall into the "I just don't like it" category. Obviously the flagging procedures of social media were put in place for good reason. But what happens when personal bias infringes upon our (otherwise appropriate) content sharing rights? I'm just curious if anyone has any information on how many images get flagged on social media each year/how many of those images are flagged because of bias. I can't find any studies that have been done on this subject. (Probably because social platforms wouldn't care to share information that exposes a weak point in their system for societal bias to flourish.) Just wondering if anyone has any insight... submitted by /u/clevagirl88 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua ba

What's the best way to promote art Instagram?

I know some people have said through facebook ad manager but i wanted to get everyone's general consensus. Also if anyone had any good tutorial videos on the optimal way of setting up an ad would be nice. thanks submitted by /u/floopykid [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

How much do google certifications cost these days and is there a way to get them for free?

I can’t find a straightforward answer even by checking google itself. Some people say $50, some say $100, some say it’s still free. I’m specifically talking about the ads and analytics certifications. submitted by /u/nothanksitstoocold [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Facebook Page versus Group for a non-profit

submitted by /u/mycharityaccount [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Why is hate speech wrong against any group of people, but okay when directed towards drug abusers?

In attempt to curb & solves property crimes, "Stolen Stuff Hawaii" was made by civilians, to post pictures of suspicous activities, property damage, surveilance screenshots, lost and found or stolen items reports etc. Mostly the page is just a circle jerk of "proud fur baby mamas" that lose and find their Chihuahuas twice a week, or people trying to get gold stars for returning a hydroflask they found on the bus to its rightful owner. But the actual crime related posts seem to be full of threats and hate speech condemning thieves (and assumed drug users) to death for petty thefts. One recent post was a picture of a female "porch pirate" stealing a fed ex delivery that contained cookware. Comments ranged from "cut off the dirty bitches hands", "SHOOT THAT FAKA" "dis why we need da PURGE" to advice that if the OP had been home, they should have shot the girl, put a knife in her hand and claim self defense to the police.

2 Questions; Difficult Client

A client, who I only do social for, is asking me to help him sell his books & land speaking gigs with only organic posts. He knows that it's a slow road but we're gaining traction & the engagement/reach is well on-track. The issue comes with getting him to submit content because this is marketing him and not just a product. I need videos or photos, something of him that his followers can connect with & foster that relationship but it has been like pulling teeth for months. To be clear, I manage multiple channels, curating content & utilizing all existing content as well as engaging with messages/comments/connections & finding groups. I just know the missing piece on the page is real content from him that connects - things I can't curate or make up. If you've dealt with clients like this, how did you get them to actually provide content of themselves when you can't physically be there to make sure they do it? I'm upgrading a social acco

Công ty Địa Ốc Nam Phát Bình Phước đất nền Chơn Thành giá rẻ

Công ty TNHH Địa Ốc Nam Phát Bình Phước là công ty tư vấn bất động sản chuyên kinh doanh, cung cấp, môi giới và mở bán sản phẩm đất nền dự án, đất nền thổ cư có sổ đỏ rõ ràng tại các khu vực huyện Chơn Thành tỉnh Bình Phước cho nhà đầu tư và người an cư. Khách hàng tại Địa Ốc Nam Phát Bình phước chủ yếu đến từ các thị trường khu vực Hồ Chí Minh, Bình Dương, Bình Phước, Đồng Nai, Lâm Đồng, Tây Ninh ... Anh chị có nhu cầu sở hữu cho mình một bất động sản ở khu vực Bình Phước nói chung và huyện Chơn Thành nói riêng thì liên hệ tư vấn miễn phí 0971011011 hoặc tại văn phòng Quốc lộ 14, Số Nhà 81, Tổ 3, Ấp 3, Xã Minh Thành, Huyện Chơn Thành, Tỉnh Bình Phước Công Ty Địa Ốc Nam Phát Bình Phước - Quốc lộ 14 Số Nhà 81, Tổ 3, Ấp 3,, Xã Minh Thành,, Huyện Chơn Thành, Tỉnh Bình Phước, Hotline 0971011011, Email ,Website

I need to get 1000 followers on any major social media platform(only have 250 on one) to get a Creator Code in Fortnite. Which Social Media platform could one person gain followers on the fastest legit and what are some tips to get up to that first 1000? :)

So I'm trying to get a Creator Code in Fortnite but it requires 1000 followers on any major Social Media platform. I only have 250 followers on one platform but I will not be able to reach 1000 with that platform. Should I just go on Facebook and start adding random people? Should I go on Twitter and start following everyone hoping they follow back? What are the best ways to get that first 1000 on a platform? :) Thanks guys!! EDIT: I want to include that even if it takes time on any platform, I'm willing to take the time and effort. It's just, it takes WAY too long on the one platform. submitted by /u/MindkontrolTV [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

ScanvengerZ of social media are running wild!!!

Social media has been a great way to present oursleves. People have using it to connect to the world and show them their way of life, their choices and all. Didn't think it would ever come to this but jealous freaks around tge world have started attacking people who they feel are too expressive or exposed or wild or straightforward or anything like that. Messing with their brains, manupilating them, threatening them etc. And how is it done??? 'just a name and a photo' are good enough. My friend used to smoke cannabis and was very open about it. He even posted various posts about the times. At first his friends were like why are you broadcasting this and all. I read and even heard this. After sometime, he suddenly changed his way of life, doing different things he never even said of. Might be the drugs, we all thought but turned out his friends back home were playing with his mind to teach him a lesson. After sometime, his 'high' changed. The guy who used to do e

Potential Harms of Social Media

Im looking for resources or environments that discuss the potential harms of social media or what it does to our psychology . If anybody could point me to a direction or provide resources I would be very grateful! Thanks! submitted by /u/donsebas [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Contest type landing page....Opinions?

Hey, other than gleam, kingsumo, raffle, is there any other way to build a contest type landing page where the users have to do multiple step by step actions? For example, they have to complete a task at step 1 and then only step 2 will be unlocked…? Any particular WP theme or any cheap plugin or page builder that has all the necessary options for this? submitted by /u/TheRealistDude [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Any help for a reference that would help me to post some content in many groups by using my page?? Not from personal account

submitted by /u/usamanasr [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

If a Facebook group admin says to someone "you will never be back in my group again", can they change their minds later?

I had this experience once and I did not feel so good about it, and it was a group I was not a member of for long. I hope to be back, but it may or may not happen. submitted by /u/robbieraeful [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Any tested tips on how to gain followers on the LinkedIn company page?

submitted by /u/Zukicha [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

How much time do you spend on your phone and what are the main sites you visit?

It’s mainly out of curiosity as social media has a taken a toll on me personally. I have deactivated Facebook and Instagram as I found I was constantly browsing to no end and almost never anything interesting there. My life has become so much more lighter and I find that I have so much more time to do other things of interest which before wasn’t possible. Huge addiction. How do you guys balance the use of your phone and the quality of your personal life? submitted by /u/littlebluridinghood- [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Portfolio for Strategy?

Currently debating whether to create a small online portfolio to showcase a few (3) examples of things i’ve worked/led on and linking it to my CV so future employers can get an idea of my work and how I’ve come to approach content creation and strategy. My question is: are online portfolios strictly for creatives to share or is this something that would set me apart from other people in my field/position (i’m a social media executive). Follow-up question if the latter is the case: are there any online sources you can recommend that help build a portfolio (design-wise)? submitted by /u/ellvoid [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

I don’t want to work in social media anymore...

Anyone else just.... burnt out? Tired of the vitriol on social media? Tired of the mundane? Tired of the constant fight with the platforms and having to explain to clients it’s not your fault when Facebook goes down or it takes 2 days for an Instagram ad to be approved? Problem is, my entire career has been in social media marketing. What else can I do? Where else will be skills translate to a more... meaningful?... career? submitted by /u/reinadetodos [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

How I give permission to some to handle my Instagram account or profile?

I want to give permission to someone who handles my Instagram profile, Login through Facebook. Is there any way to handle it without any tools. submitted by /u/seoexpert2020 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

What is your favorite social media management tool for analytics and managing multiple social media accounts?

submitted by /u/vermaanuj8960 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

PRIZYM: an app based on talent and products coming to app stores on 02/28. Would love to hear reviews!

submitted by /u/famatulh [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Is it weird that I do not use Instagram?

I’m a college student and many people ask for my instagram whenever they meet me and I always respond with saying that I don’t use it or have it anymore. They give me weird looks and I find it annoying because I do not like instagram and don’t want to feel pressured about getting one just because everyone else is on it. Am I the only one who feels this way? submitted by /u/__pjt [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

What’s going on with my Snapchat?

Long story short, I got blocked. The bitmoji turned solid color and the name turned in a username. Not even a week later, I realized the bitmoji turned back to the normal one. So I didn’t question it. It’s been a couple weeks now, and I looked back on the conversation. Everything that was saved is gone. What does this mean? What’s going on? submitted by /u/Throwawayforsure20 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

We have a new client that's struggling in the high-end hotel industry. Are there any strategies that have worked for you for similar clients? We're primarily focusing on Facebook marketing.

As the title says, we have a new client who runs a high-end BnB-type hotel in the Pacific Northwest. We're pretty experienced with social media marketing but mostly in the commercial sales area. Any input on Facebook marketing strategies which have been proven to work well within the service/travel/hospitality industries would be hugely appreciated. submitted by /u/Number8 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Problems with instagram promotions

Currently trying to promote an ad with a site redirection and all it says is "you may be unable to promote a story for a few reasons, such as: how long the story was created, possible rights violations, or the use of camera effects. submitted by /u/LandTay [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

What are the rules for tagging people (profiles) from a Facebook page?

I'm running a Facebook page for a theatre company. Yesterday, I posted a photo and tagged the set designer and the photographer in the caption, but only the photographer's tag stayed tagged when I saved it. They both like the page. Is it something in their privacy settings? submitted by /u/elizaschuyler [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Followers decreasing

I run a page with around 40k followers. Over the past month or so I’ve noticed our net followers decreasing by about 15 per day (we will get 10-20 follow us but 30-40 unfollow us). Our content has stayed consistent. No major changes. We post about 5x per week and always have. Engagement is at roughly 1-1.5% which is lower than I would like but doesn’t seem to be a big enough dip to explain the loss of followers. Any ideas on where I should be looking? Is there some metric I’m missing? Any help would be appreciated. submitted by /u/rbjoe [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Utilizing SnapChat for business?

Hello all, I own a small homemade ice cream shop (1200 sq ft). I was wondering what the best method of utilizing snapchat is for my business without being too costly? I havent used SnapChat much so I'm not sure of the best method and google searching has yielded mixed opinions. submitted by /u/ghost3737 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Scheduled posts not posting on Instagram.

Have scheduled posts upto mid March. 3 a day with only 15 relevant tags. Our posts generally get 50-60 likes for the 3 followers we have. Not sure what's going on but Instagram stopped publishing our scheduled posts. Our growth (or lack thereof) is completely organic. We use Facebook's creator studio and don't have any issues publishing the same post on Facebook. Any ideas what is preventing the posts from getting published on Instagram? submitted by /u/analytics_depot [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Why was my snap maps saying the wrong location at 2am?

So I received like 20 calls from my girlfriend at 2:30am asking where I was because on snapchat maps it said I was in a place not too far from where I live. It may have even been over the 2mile radius. Anyone know what could have happened ? No one logged in on my account as I was logged in. Ideas? submitted by /u/Skrtvm [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Welp, Tik Tok was fun, until all my videos got 0 views and shown to nobody. Guess I'm shadowbanned or something?

Hey so I was having fun with Tik Tok, just making videos and doing the trends and all that fun stuff. I wasn't making anything edgy or offensive, I was just playing around with the site and hashtags and stuff. Most of my videos would get 100-1000 views and a couple likes. ​ Apparently I pissed off the overlords, because from Thursday to now all of the videos I posted got a big fat 0. If you followed me you could see them, so some would get 1-2 views but it wasn't shown to anyone. Does anyone know why this might be? ​ I made a new account this morning to see if I can somehow keep myself from getting sent to the shadow realm for nothing... submitted by /u/Idk-Nvm [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn

Instagram Stories

Is it best to use 10 hashtags or less on Instagram stories? I have watched a few YouTube videos and some people have said to leave the hashtags big and some people have said to shrink them down and put them to the side, do they are hidden, which is best to do? submitted by /u/GingerSarahUK [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

tools to post in FB groups mass with same post?

I need a tool that can let me post the same thing in 50 FB groups, does it exist? submitted by /u/aimal1st [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Dealing with spammers in FB comments

Over the weekend I worked a triathlon event. We live stream the event on Facebook Live for free, but 30mins before the event we got spammers commenting on all our posts for a paid live viewing. Like 100’s of comments. We banned users and deleted comments but they keep coming back. Is there anyway to better manage or remove these spammers? submitted by /u/RPSully [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Twitter is asking for a verification phone number, but I dont have one.

When I log into my account it asks for my phone number. is says... Enter your phone number Enter your mobile phone number to receive a text message with a confirmation code. You’ll use the code to verify this is really your number. I dont have a phone number. What do I do? submitted by /u/thatjosiahburns [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Posting in a group as a page on Facebook?

Trying to post my little side business in a local Job hunting page. Everywhere on Google says I should see a "Interact as" button on the side, but this doesn't appear for me. Does anyone have any idea how i do this and get that tab to appear so I can post as the page instead of my personal Facebook? submitted by /u/blodger42 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Suggestions for sites that does infographics

Outside of fiver or upwork, are there sites that does infographics? submitted by /u/ericb0 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

are snapchat emojis accurate?

my #1 bf on snap is my best friend (F) and there is the emoji next to the guy im talking to that we share a #1 best friend, this emoji has glitched in the past on my phone and i asked my friend about it and she said she barely talks to him over snap, i was just wondering, are these emojis super accurate or can they glitch sometimes? submitted by /u/arkansasgirl2000 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Linked in help needed!

Hello. May be the wrong sub but i'm desperate. My girlfriend merged her two linked in profiles today ( current one and an old one from college). unfortunately, when asking for the email of the current account she entered in the older one from college. now all the data on the profile associated with the current account is gone. anyone ever encounter this and know how to start trying to fix it? already emailed Linkedin but thought i'd ask here as well. submitted by /u/PearlyBakerBest [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Marketing course

Good Morning! My boss wants me to take a marketing course, I want something accredited and or provides certification. I am in the Northern Virginia area but I am looking online, in person (in this area), or in person "crash" courses that as so much weeks in another area. Pleaasee give me some ideas!!! submitted by /u/kb5603 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

How do I change the name of a Facebook Page?

Hello! I'm trying to change the name of my Facebook page and every guide I follow is outdated. Can somebody point me in the right direction? Is it simply not possible anymore? The page has over 20k likes, maybe that has something to do with it. submitted by /u/guywithtnt [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Real tips against trolls

So! I read an article about how to handle trolls. However, it seemed like those typical Generation Y articles. There were only those run-of-the-mine tips like ignoring them. But trolls are more difficult than those playground bullies. So … Let’s collect real tips against trolls. This would be nice. submitted by /u/xsleepingbutt [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

What are the best free tools for SEO in 2020?

I haven't done SEO in a while and was just seeing Neil Patel's Ubersuggest. That thing changed a lot over the years. submitted by /u/MarketingMitti [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Had to submit a photo of myself on Facebook to prove my identity

I run a bunch of Facebook pages as well as have a heavy use of ads and yesterday suddenly my Facebook shutdown and I had to submit a photo of myself to prove my identity. Now I can’t use Facebook and my account has disappeared and I’m now still waiting to get verified. Facebook bots are always miss flagging me. But this hasn’t happened before. Anyone had this before? What was the outcome? Looking for some advice. submitted by /u/sourfraser [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM