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Why is hate speech wrong against any group of people, but okay when directed towards drug abusers?

In attempt to curb & solves property crimes, "Stolen Stuff Hawaii" was made by civilians, to post pictures of suspicous activities, property damage, surveilance screenshots, lost and found or stolen items reports etc.

Mostly the page is just a circle jerk of "proud fur baby mamas" that lose and find their Chihuahuas twice a week, or people trying to get gold stars for returning a hydroflask they found on the bus to its rightful owner.

But the actual crime related posts seem to be full of threats and hate speech condemning thieves (and assumed drug users) to death for petty thefts. One recent post was a picture of a female "porch pirate" stealing a fed ex delivery that contained cookware.

Comments ranged from "cut off the dirty bitches hands", "SHOOT THAT FAKA" "dis why we need da PURGE" to advice that if the OP had been home, they should have shot the girl, put a knife in her hand and claim self defense to the police.

Another recent post of 3 people allegedly stealing a money pouch from a small restaurant containing a few hundred dollars brought on the same "and democrats trying to take our guns away, smh..." "no hope for thieves, lock em up for life" "stealing to support their habit, now maybe they get enough to OD" etc., plus countless "worthless monsters" "evil chronics" "druggie scum" "not even human" type insult combos.

Occasionally some brave soul will say something about social reforms or rehab programs instead of prisons, or reminders that the perps are people too. This is, without fail, met with a barrage of scolding and rage claiming that there is no excuse, no leniency, no extenuating circumstance, no type of help or counselling or service that can turn these vile zombie meth heads back to humans; followed by suggestions to go to church and relearn right from wrong etc.

One comment in particular really caught my attention- this is an exact quote: "..if someone were to taint the batu(meth)/drugs with something lethal...ehhhhh no big loss."

This lady is suggesting fatally poisoning literally thousands of people.

Hawaii has a large proportion of meth users, which undoubtedly is a contributer to crime. But there are many hardworking, high functioning, "normal", contributing people with jobs and families and a meth habit that you would never know if they didnt tell you. They'd all die too, along with the guy who stole your lawnmower or your bicycle. The "purge" related comments are constant, but this one is a real, actionable threat that has been done in other states by vigilante justice type groups like this one.

I'm not in any way justifying the crimes that this page is complaining about (although many posts just report a "suspicious male spotted walking down street at night... Watch out" that sound like George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin instigations). But the members have become so comfortable talking about killing people for thefts amounting to less than $100. Stealing is wrong but killing is somehow okay?

I had wanted to post this in r/AITA but it references violence thereby violating their rules. Am I wrong to be disturbed by what I'm seeing here?

submitted by /u/awalakaiehu
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