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Which Is The Best Social Media Site For Business?


For the threefold marketing category (networking, promoting and sharing) Facebook is the best pick. This is used to make inter- and intra-connections. All you need to do is just to create powerful relationships and expand it to friendships. This is a globally renowned platform by youngsters and their grandmas: by far. It is by far the best social media site for business.


Twitter is the microblogging service; eliminating characters to 280 count, up from 140 and easy to jump from topic to topic. This allows people, individuals to the largest multinational corporations, to interact in real-time. This platform provides B2B and some B2C transactions.


One can’t forget LinkedIn to setup business professional connections. It’s another best social media site for business. Mainly it is a professional forum with licensed publishers majorly include businessmen, recruiters, and job seekers. It requires two or so fortnight visits to update your cutting-edge.


If you are proficient in speaking, have an aura of quick responses, and a charm to attract plenty of listeners like a one-man band then you should opt for YouTube. This promotional platform is prime for wowing speakers.


The spitting image of Facebook is Instagram allowing 15 seconds of videos in the aftermath of uploading pictures only. It is a product-related website for B2C going-on in the manner of lifestyle, fashion, food, personalities, brands, and other sponsoring.


Vine is an arena of uploading videos of 6 seconds length; following sharing the photo slideshows only.


For the formative person of letters; Blogger is your support. This website is extensively used to share ideas behind the business. Through your hunky writing style, you can grab piles of readers and fill your ideas in their minds.


Do you know what is known to be as Google’s baby? Google+ with 400 million active users; popped-out for networking and blogging. Incipiently, people were very sketchy about Google+, but – due to an increasing number of users – it seems to pay off their earning.


Yelp/Foursquare are B2C companies; fruitful for – brick and mortar outlets especially stores, restaurants, tourism, reviewers and bloggers. These websites allow users to pass their comments on businesses and share reviews of certain businesses with other viewers.


Pinterest is the largest visual discovery tool with a female-dominant structure of about 68%. This is widely used for B2C, including; fashion, food, design, brands, travel and anything DIY; with audience skews female 4:1. It is considered as the best social media site for business to graphically show the business.


In the time of urgency, you never want to waste your time to leave your cozy bed and go next door to know what’s happening. Then why don’t you think a cap next door to you? Nextdoor is a private platform to connect with your neighbors and finds out what are the current aboriginal packages.


If you are a professional photographer and want to reveal your on-the-ball capturing savvy; Flickr is the best platform. It’s a photo-sharing and video hosting website to upload photos and videos, to be embedded in blogs and social media.


Myspace is the club to entertain – friends, blogs, profiles, groups, photos – and to a great degree; talk about pop culture and music.

Stumble Upon

If you seek to push recommendations on the web content; Stumble Upon is here for you. This website allows users to discover a popular content interest in their business and create a virtual community of like-minded web surfers.

For the creative thinkers who write winsome articles; is your pen to turn your imaginations into words. Regarded as a blog host; this is the amalgamation of journalists, social thinkers, bloggers, publishers, amateur and professional people.


Periscope is the platform to indulge people in live streaming; just as; QA sessions through live selling, coaching and consulting. Requirement of a couple of times a month interaction with this website; can yield real-time connections.

submitted by /u/sadafba786
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