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The Block Culture and it’s Toxic Effects on the Human-Mind.

Picture this, you’re a male, you’re using an app where you hit it off well with a member of the opposite-sex, be it an online-dating one for example: you laugh, you have a good time talking with them, this makes you feel very confident and happy getting to know them.

Eventually after conversing for an hour or so, they slip you their number and Facebook, a gesture probably reserved for those who click-well and so you text them.

The texting seems effortless, you feel as if you’ve known this person a while, you get to know their idiosyncratic behavior as well as their personality from their replies which are at a fairly consistent and healthy pace, you aren’t even divulging too much, pretty normal vanilla conversation.

Sex doesn’t seem to cross your mind, you want to get to know who they are before establishing any intimacy, a sign of maturity no doubt.

Night comes, now it’s getting late, you both say goodnight and you both lull to sleep.

The next morning as you go to greet them— you notice something peculiar, the message isn’t going through— you check your social-media, they aren’t there; as quick as they came into your life, the quicker they’ve disappeared into cyberspace however with no explanation...

This is an all-too grim reality for a handful of young men on these apps; it’s the cause of many to either fall into depression or become an incel, more often than none we see both sides of this, from both sexes, and while it isn’t talked about much, I’m here to tell you— by doing this: Blocking someone without explanation whilst in the process of getting to know someone, is toxic.

You are showing someone how replaceable they are without much regard for someone who could have a fragile emotional-state, it comes off manipulative and conniving. It leaves someone wondering what exactly they did to cause such a bizarre yet unhealthy task.

The point I’m trying to make here is not to attack these people— but merely encouraging them to communicate, far too often is there no communication prior to this happening... It’s okay to let someone down easily— it’s not okay to be superficial, nor is it okay to make someone feel replaceable.

submitted by /u/gringobeardo
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