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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 12, 2019

Is reposting content from tiktok onto tiktok against tiktoks rules?

submitted by /u/Ryanhockey33 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Twitter username

So let’s say I was able to get verified on Twitter. Would I be able to get the username of an inactive account that’s been active for 6 years? submitted by /u/NeldFN [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

How did somebody add me through quick add on snapchat if I have it disabled??

submitted by /u/tmmmmmm09 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

TikTok, new posts no views, what should we do?

There’s an issue right now with new posts not getting any views at all. Should we try to repost them later? Wait? submitted by /u/DKSigh51 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Facebook for Creators

So, I now run two large Facebook pages that are eligible for the "Facebook for Creators" is a hyperlocal news site with a smaller following and one is a hyperlocal memes page with a larger following. I just finishing the applying to the program since these two pages are eligible and I now have to wait to hear back from Facebook. Does anyone know how Facebook for Creators works? Will they then try to find brand partners who want to advertise with us? Any success stories or idea as to how much one can hope to make from these partnerships? submitted by /u/montydad5000 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Should I delete my twitter because of this concern?

I'm a female that chatted with a girl on twitter for an hour. I found out she catfished me with someone else's pictures from Instagram and Google. I sent her 3 of my pics in twitter DM (not nudes) and I can't delete on both sides unless my account is deleted. I fear she'll use my pictures. I had my twitter for 5 years. I have over 250 followers. Should I delete my twitter? I reported her and if I delete my account, my pictures will erase from her end. submitted by /u/Straight-Perception3 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Social Media monetization & Instagram Business questions

My son has a pretty significant little following on Instagram and is growing daily. Recently he was asked by a few ppl about collaborations and what he might charge. I've read about converting to a business account for the analytics etc but if this is something he pursues and it begins to take off, should he do anything in terms of incorporating or LLC type things? Or should he upgrade to a Creator account? What are the major differences I don't think he simply wants to give out his Venmo/Paypal etc.. or does he ? I'm trying to guide him but it's beyond my technical area at this point so trying to learn ​ Any help is appreciated submitted by /u/Murphy223 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Vă

New to this! Questions on $1.8 strategy

Just recently started an Instagram account and have been trying the $1.8 strategy. I have the following questions: 1) my niche is soooo narrow that right now the top posts are literally dominated by this only one account. I guess I can comment on their posts, but as time goes on I afraid it will look spammy. Is there value at all to comment on other small personal accounts? I thought the idea of this strategy was to get attention from followers on these big accounts 2) there are some top posts that dated back to 1 month ago. Is it still worth commenting on them? Thanks! submitted by /u/_eyogg_ [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Can't post to a local jobs FB group. Doesn't comply with terms.

This post is unpublished because it looks like it may not comply with the "Jobs on Facebook" section of the Facebook Pages Terms. I appealed but to no avail. They won't tell me why it isn't going through. submitted by /u/Freds_Premium [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

questoin about settings on socia media platform

so i had a question about cover photos on facebook. i recently was toying around with it and i accidentally went ahead and removed my cover photo (not delete) so now its just the black cover. i want to change it back to the cover i was using but i was wondering if there was a workaround with not having to have it update on the timeline an news feed and also with it not removing the original update date post from when i posted it the first time from my timeline. basically i just want it as if i never removed the cover photo to begin with. i know theres the hide feature but i want to look back at my timeline and see it as the original date that i uploaded it instead of me putting it as my cover photo again and seeing it update to recently updated and just don't want to hide the update on my timeline in the first place. it really botheres me and i feel really annoyed facebook won't let me just have it go back before i removed my cover photo from experimenting around submitted

Have you ever got blocked from Facebook groups before?

I have been blocked from several, what about you? submitted by /u/robbieraeful [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Do people not care as much about your posts as you'd like to think?

We get so caught up trying to get the best picture so we can post it online. We may get a lot of likes or views but how many of them actually care after? I know i don't think much of other's pictures after i like or view them. submitted by /u/bayfarm [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Amazon Livestreams

Hi, do you know that Amazon has its Livestreams feature? It started this year or in 2018(not sure). Recently, Amazon added a Livesreams entry on the front page and videos start getting more views. I believe this may be a good chance for businesses and infuencers to promote their brand/products/profiles. How do you think of the Live? submitted by /u/Lucia_Jing [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Paid and Organic Social Media Integration

Friends! I've read/heard a lot of different opinions about what a good integrated strategy between paid and organic social media should look like. Of course, the strategy depends on the industry, business type, size, budget, content, creative resources, etc. but, I'd like to get some general thoughts on what y'all think a good integration of paid/organic would look like! Any ideas? submitted by /u/be_gladiator [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Social Media Managers

Hey, So I will be helping a few friends with their social media soon (small businesses). I have never done freelancing before in this field so I just wanted to get some advice on pricing. I'm thinking there are two ways to break it down as services. One service for just - Content creation + Posting / Scheduling Another service for - Ad creation + management If someone could share how they break down their services/pricing that'd be awesome. I'm only going to be focussing on FB + Instagram. submitted by /u/tefanol [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

15 $ for an Instagram Shoutout. Is it a good price?

Greetings to all of you! I am a photographer so as you most image makers I consider Instagram to be a powerful tool to promote my business. I only have 2300 followers but I generate pretty high engagement, around 500 likes per post. A pretty big Instagram hub contacted me and offered me to make 6 series of shoutouts for me, in their posts and stories for 15$/photo. I like the content they upload, the problem is that their engagement is pretty low. They have almost 700k followers and their posts generate 3.000 - 4.000 like on average. So is the price they told me justifiable? Should I do this promotion to increase my followers? submitted by /u/OdysseasChloridis [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương -

Buying giphy account

Buying a verfied giphy account for 10$ replay with your email and i will contact you :) submitted by /u/OshriAr [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Creator Studio rotating my vertical 9x16 IGTV to horizontal?

Howdy all, didn't see this below so thought I would ask. Anyone else having issues with IGTV posts made via Creator Studio in which you post a perfectly fine vertical video and it ends up getting rotated to horizontal? It's not the end of the world and i end up posting manually via the app but would be great to understand why it is happening and how to prevent. submitted by /u/tc80211 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

TikTok question

I’ve been posting on TT for a few months now, for business purposes. Yesterday two of my videos had zero views. I didn’t think I violated any policies. I only have 80 followers. Anyhow, someone told me that TikTok destroyed my reputation and that I should make a new account. Huh?? Can anyone offer advice? What does this mean? Thanks so much! submitted by /u/njmuralartist [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Instagram analytics tool?

Hi, I need simple IG analytics tool that can show me how much posts, likes and comments I had in some time period. I've used gabstats, but they've changed their platform completely. submitted by /u/srlandand [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Anyone noticed a new Instagram story view algorithm??

I’ve noticed drastic changes in the order in which user names who have seen my story are displayed. Random accounts I have almost no interaction with are now getting displayed on the top. Anyone has any guesses on how the algorithm has changed? submitted by /u/kans25 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

What’s the best app to create a animated logo for a YouTube channel that plays before the actual video?

submitted by /u/BrandonDemontigny [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Instagram blocking account creations

I am a freelance social media marketer and I set up pages and accounts for my clients as well. I have apparently exceeded account creations on Instagram on all my devices and it still won’t let me make any new ones on Incognito + VPN. Any workarounds? Accounts are all for brick and mortar or otherwise legit businesses all over the world. submitted by /u/maha710 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Marketing Calendar for Saudi Arabia

Hey guys, If anyone can help me find a Marketing calendar for my social media account I just cant seem to find anything on Google except for the main Holidays. I'm looking for something a bit more detailed. submitted by /u/portablesortable182 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

What Instagram accounts do you follow for their Stories?

submitted by /u/cornsnowflake [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Why is it important to be on social media ?

I wish I could get off of it I am spending too much time on there HELP submitted by /u/FridaKlo [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

I've been struggling with uploading hd stories on facebook.

yes I have turned on the settings for upload videos at hd but I do upload in using my phone (samsung s10+) am i missing something? is it the internet connection? submitted by /u/noobplayer123 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Can't join Facebook

I have tried for the past four weeks to rejoin Facebook after deactivating in the Spring. ​ So far I have had twice my account locked, I've sent in a more recent photo PLUS photo of my driving license, heard NOTHING and account still locked. ​ Today tried via my phone to make an account, it refuses to accept the phone number (+44) that I AM USING TO SIGN INTO THE FUCKING THING. ​ I can only assume that I am blocked from signing up, even though I have given them everything they have asked for at a VERY high resolution. submitted by /u/Kie_Dawn [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Tinder / dating app users - what do you wish you could change about the app?

I’m doing some developmental research for a new dating app that’s set to roll out in 2020 and I’m curious: what do you like / dislike about current dating apps? All insight greatly appreciated. submitted by /u/scarylarryjr [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Is there a site where I could find people like me (based on personality traits)?

Just curious, if there is a way I could find people with the same personality traits and views, something where I could “profile” myself and see who is alike? submitted by /u/Celitar [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Instagram: I have been steadily getting less and less likes.

Assuming that my quality hasn't change, has something changed in the past year in terms of organic reach? submitted by /u/i_film [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Does anyone using StackPosts from CodeCanyon?

Hello Guys, I'm looking for some ig & pinterest schedule tools and found out this script on codecanyon. Wondering if works well so I can decide to buy it or not. Thanks! submitted by /u/krajacic [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Looking to make a social media account to show off my collection. I’m wondering which would be the best?

Good morning (afternoon, evening...)! I am looking to start a social media account to show off my expanding military insignia collection and I’m kind of stuck between opening a twitter for that purpose or an Instagram. I was wondering which of the two might get more reach. I know Instagram is more photo oriented but twitter has a more diverse user base. Just wondering what the fine folks of Reddit might think. Thanks! submitted by /u/dnedwrds [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

As a social media manager, which video editor will you use in 2020?

Any Digital Marketer knows that video marketing is increasingly in vogue on social networks. In this sense, I would like to master and perfect my skills in the best video editor on the market, with the goal of producing appealing and engaging content. Which video editing software would you recommend? Thank you! submitted by /u/AutoTunedComments [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Run Facebook ads for a minute long video?

Facebook won’t allow me to run instream ad for it? Anyone who has experience can teach me a way out to run the ad for my new video? submitted by /u/Theunknown94 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Tiktok algorithm

Hey so I’m trying to be a famous tiktoker to gain an audience to start my YouTube channel. Anyway I just posted this video that got 800 views and just over 100 likes. I know the algorithm works based on interaction (replays, completion, likes, comments and shares) but I just don’t understand why it didn’t get pushed to a bigger audience because 1/8 people liking it is quite a bit. If anyone knows why it didn’t get pushed farther plz let me know (my tiktok is jared_cotsworth) submitted by /u/purple-camal583 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

How do you get instagram followers and likes?

Dumb question, but I became active again on instagram again after two years and I’m confused about how people get their posts noticed nowadays. Back then you would get lots of likes and followers just by using the right hashtags. I guess there are more users or/and the algorithm changed, but I hardly get any likes on my new posts and no new followers. Should I be commenting more on other peoples’ posts? submitted by /u/afterthesunsets [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Looking for Instagram & Pinterest Schedule tool for 10 accounts?

Hello Guys, I have several IG and Pinterest accounts... around 10. So I would need a tool that is not too expensive because I do not have $300-500 per month because I just started. Something like $30 for 10 accounts... would be great. Even if the tool supports only Instagram without Pinterest. And let me know what do you think about self hosted tools like: NextPost or StackPosts from CodeCanyon. submitted by /u/krajacic [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Are there any good free to use Social media manger platforms?

I was looking into Hootsuite and I really liked the idea. But I only have a few profiles and would like to use something similar that is a free platform Are there any? submitted by /u/Ballzovsteel [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

shapchat message disappeared

Someone did have a clue why this happen? submitted by /u/SomethingWrongThere [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

What’s the best way to promote a fashion video?

What type of Facebook ad should I run to possibly achieve good results? submitted by /u/Theunknown94 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

"You do not have access to your publishing privileges."

So I logged onto my page and this message showed up "You do not have access to your publishing privileges." anyone knows how long does it take for this to be gone? I mean there is no specific date provided by facebook and I've found people on internet which waited 3 months to get their "privileges" back.... I mean cmon FB submitted by /u/COBNETCKNN [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

How can I grow up my Facebook group

My group is about funny GIFs like /r/GIFS in Reddit but I am not able to increase the number of subscriptions. Help Please. submitted by /u/Taktouk [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Why am I no longer showing up on the explore page even though my posts are doing so well?

I used to get on the explore page for almost every post but for the last few weeks none of them are showing up. It doesn’t seem like I’m shadowbanned because I come up on hashtags. submitted by /u/iwassayingboourns2 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

If you mute someone on messenger and they call you on messenger will you still get the notified of the call as it’s being attempted? As in accept or declining the call being requested?

I’m generally just curious. submitted by /u/GlancingWillow [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Handling those pending requests

Hi, I’m just curious what everyone else does in this situation. After a month or so, and the person has been online, is it best to cancel a “request sent” or continue to leave it? Also, why do you think people don’t action a request either way? How hard is “delete” if you don’t want to be friends, why would someone just leave it sitting there? submitted by /u/Montanasloane [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Should we always be transparent on social media’s ?

My brother started his business and my mother is the co-founder of it. His girlfriend and I worked for him on marketing. We are almost a full family business. I was wondering if it was a good idea to be transparent about this or if it would look unprofessional. What do you think? You see, I would like to post a photography of our team for the first of January, to wish a happy new year to all the people who are following us. But I’m not sure if it is a good idea to expose ourselfs.. We never said explicitly that this is a family business but we never hided it neither. submitted by /u/butterthanbetter [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

It looks like all the unfollowing apps for instagram don’t work anymore, can someone help me with this?

submitted by /u/dr302 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Fb Page owners and Social media managers

I have a Fb page network of over 10million fans and 100milion followers. ​ My Instagram is sitting at 170k followers. ​ Now my question, for the pros out there, is what would be the best way to build up my Instagram using my network? ​ Im hoping someone out there has found a way! ​ Many thanks for any and all help! submitted by /u/jenglish205 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

For those of you who deleted social media (besides Reddit) any advice?

I just moved to a new city after some time. I'm purposefully deleting / deactivating all social media as a way to force me out in to the real world to meet new people. I've been going through a lot of big life changes lately and this just feels right. But I'm definitely addicted. I have the addictive personality gene. Recovering alcoholic to boot. I know how to abuse things. So to everyone out there who doesn't use social media in their life — what advice can you give me or anyone else reading this to go live a fulfilled life? I've pretty much kicked everything cold turkey just fine but mannn I am addicted to instagram. Downloading, deleting it again, rinse, repeat. submitted by /u/theinthusiast [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotli

If you know TikTok pls help, Im going crazy lol

So a few weeks back I created a new account and ever since it’s conception my followers and views have been steadily increasing. Right now each video I put out gets between 1100 and 1400 views exactly and the likes vary from 35 to 80. Anyways, I have yet to have a video truly go viral and I don’t know why. Lmao it’s driving me nuts bc I put so much work into my content and it does well, but it never does amazing. Thanks in advance! submitted by /u/greaseconsumer [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Do you think people would stop posting on Instagram if they realized people don't care as much as you think?

I know whenever i like or view someone's ig story its a split second thing i do and then i forget about it. Im not thinking about anyones profile after that. I'm sure a lot of us think omg im about to be so cool now if i film myself hear or get this picture there when in reality nobody really gaf. submitted by /u/bayfarm [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Name still appears in Facebook messenger after deactivting account

After deactivating my account people can still search for my name in messenger and our old conversations pop up. I am wondering, do you have to DELETE Your account so that this doesnt happen? And isntead name will say like Facebook User or something like that? submitted by /u/sabermetricsformer [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Snapchat bitmojis

So I was looking on snapmaps. And my character was gaming. Does anyone know why this is? submitted by /u/ExcitingColt552 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

My Twitter account got suspended AGAIN for saying Harvey Weinstein should be put on death row.

Why is twitter protecting rapists and pedophiles and attacking my freedom of speech? submitted by /u/norm5 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

My facebook ads account disabled Help !!

i tried to advertise blog using facebook after the fb team review my post they disable my account i dont know why this is the blog title i used 12 Gym Exercises You Need To Stop Doing Wrong! submitted by /u/sedd21 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

What is Rumbl?

Pretty self explanatory. I make YouTube videos and keep getting messages about someone inviting me to be a creator on Rumbl. I’ve never heard of it. Is anyone aware of the platform? submitted by /u/mhilbun [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Gain Follwers

What was the best way how you gained followers and how long did it take ? submitted by /u/wistumedia [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Can't verify business Instagram account - Can I contact them?

Hi there, guys. I'm starting my career in Social Media Marketing and am currently struggling to get my company's Instagram account the verified badge. They've submitted the form months ago, then I did it again more recently, and I can't seem to get in touch with any support service whatsoever. Also couldn't find anything here on Reddit. As this is impacting our results, I'd really appreciate it if you could give me any tips on the subject. Thank you and have a merry festive season submitted by /u/Ruthless_Raspberry [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Why money deducted from my facebook ad account is different from what I actually spent?

Hi, Recently I have run a campaign on facebook, I have added 3000 into my account balance now the balance shows zero but the amount spend for the ad shows only 2542 rupees. I'm in confusion, can anyone please help me out this submitted by /u/sathikalis [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Do you add random people?

What are the BENEFITS of adding many people? (facebook/snapchat/instagram? submitted by /u/DetroitCam2 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Looking to start an instagram account for my online store need advice on what kind of content to post

I have a small online jewelry store just starting out i have created a instagram to advertise products and get more visits to my store. The only thing is i have no idea what content to post for my niche when I'm not advertising products I dont have a high quality camera just my phone, are there ways to get free content online that i can use for my instagram? One example i saw a yoga products shop had lots of stock images with inspirational quotes is that a possibility? submitted by /u/melondelivery [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

What does "hidden likes" mean?

I've seen a lot of posts talking about IG hiding likes or not being able to see likes... this will surely sound stupid, but what does that mean? Is Instagram getting rid of all likes? The ability to Like pictures or just the count of how many likes? Can you still see who has liked your posts somehow? This hasn't affected my account yet so I'm just wondering.... submitted by /u/tuesdayshirt [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

iPhone 11 (or pro) or an actual camera (Canon Rebel T7 (or T7i)) for social media?

Hello, I'm interested in doing social media like making videos, taking quality pictures and the likes of that, however, I can't buy both and I want the best option for my money. I really was only thinking of getting a new phone because of the camera quality which led me to the desire of buying a new phone. But then learned that an actual camera has abetter quality than any new or future phones. However, I am also torn with the idea of taking pictures in real-life moments which a phone's portability has and it beats the camera and I'm not sure how I ca tik tok videos on a camera. But the camera will allow me to do YouTube, Instagram and et cetera. Any advice? submitted by /u/goldennCookie [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099

Does anyone know what app to upload audio to tiktok with?

submitted by /u/SmallBlueAlien [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Can’t change my username to one I know is available?

I have 2 instagram account which i’ve both had for around a year - my personal one, and another i had to save a username from being taken. I decided that i wanted to switch the username of my personal account to the one i had on the spare acccount, so i changed the spare account’s name to some random sequence of letters and saved it. i then went to my personal account to change the name and it says the username is unavailable? is there any way i can get round this? submitted by /u/bbmthrowaway777 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

People who have deleted all their social medias or limited use, what dis you learn? Is it worth it?

Ive been struggling with this for a while. Ive never been into social media but because of the society we live in today we depend heavily on it now. Currently i use alot of instagram and on rare occassions get on tumblr. But my main reason for having an instagram is cause i shop from some people on there but it doesnt help that just getting on it has become so addictive and that is the main goal of social media creators. I want to quit instagram but i have the fear of missing out thing. Has anyone out there actually quit all social media or has done it in the past for a very long time? How was it? Did you learn something from doing so? submitted by /u/Reila01 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phướ

What is happening to my ads? Every morning I wake up and they are automatically turned off and needs to be turned on manually.

Is anyone experiencing the same? submitted by /u/charlesphoto [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

How does automated liking work? Does it make you like every single one of your follower’s posts or is that manual?

submitted by /u/limache [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

How to say "no, bad! Don't do that" to a superior

I have a strange relationship with a former coach. I played under him at the collegiate level, and have continued making Instagram and Youtube content for the team. Our relationship on the field was largely positive, but it has been strange making web content. He hired a work-study that is studying to be a graphic designer ( I am still a pro-bono videographer) and while the edit is looking nice, I can't get past the backward numbers. Occasionally he posts things like mirrored images or will post an image fit for a vertical posting, horizontally. I want to tell him to not do these things and to tell his work-study to do the same, but the last time I said something I got some serious sass from him. I think it hurt his ego a bit, and he responded by mockingly messaging me if I knew anybody who needed work (he knows I am not employed yet, though I do have an internship). Is it worth telling him to not post no-nos like these? With the Spring season approaching, I need all the work I

My dad wants to target companies

To add to the title. My dad has an event coming up and he wants to target people that work for various companies to come to it. I'm trying to figure out methods to help him but so far I've only thought of LinkedIn as a resource. Is there a way to use any other program that targets companies? the worst part about this is he's not just targeting normal companies they're very obscure so some are not even on linkdin. the worst part about this is he's not just targeting normal companies they're very obscure so some are not even on LinkedIn. submitted by /u/Lucky-Kangaroo [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

10 visual trends to boost business in 2020

Depositphotos lists visual techniques companies should apply to stand out in the next year: submitted by /u/BillGrabonski [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Losing Facebook page likes suddenly

Anyone encountered such situation? submitted by /u/Theunknown94 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Which is the best FREE app for tracking Facebook followers and visitors?

submitted by /u/reddit_samsung [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Facebook users, have you noticed you got less likes and comments recently?

I don't know why but I'm getting less likes and comments recently. My friend count is mostly the same. I don't post silly stuff either. Maybe friends stopped following me so they don't see my posts any more? No I'm not a super star. I only have 250 friends. submitted by /u/Jamesjane5 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

When people watch the first video, but not the second on snapchat

It makes me want to delete the videos when less and less people show up on the second video than the first one. It shows that they didn't want to bother watching it and now I just want to delete them lol submitted by /u/kschlemm [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Snapchat ‘smirk emoji’ 😏

Hey, is the ‘smirk emoji’ still in the latest Snapchat update? Or did they get rid of it? submitted by /u/wombatnoodles [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

What is the most profitable repost niche on TikTok?

I had big success with my personal page on tiktok, and I was thinking about starting a repost page on the side. I need to pick a niche where its easy to grow followers/find sponsorships/sell the account in the future. I'm willing to repost anything, from attractive girl videos to sports. I'm just not sure if there are a lot of companies that would want to promote their product on a page like that. submitted by /u/PsilocybinOfLegend [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

I need to use Facebook and each time I make a new account, I'm being locked out so they can "verify" my photo.

I'm going out of town and the only thing my friends and coworkers use for staying in touch is facebook and I can't talk to anyone else during Christmas because I'm being locked out of my Facebook account the very minute I create it. I had a Facebook account over a decade ago that mysteriously got deleted so I just dropped it altogether since I didn't use it much. But now that I have a use for it, I'm not even allowed to log in because they have to "verify" some photo when they literally have no other way to identify me. If this is ACTUALLY necessary, I can send a photo of me picking my nose. But instead, a photo that literally anyone can pull off the internet is somehow necessary. ​ How do I get around this? submitted by /u/SupaStaVince [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps,

Creating content

My non-profit has recently started a division that will focus on a niche travel market. The issue we are experiencing while we develop that plan is how to highlight travel when we can't travel all the time. We are trying to build our social media presence and can focus on posts, stories, etc. about our current programs and focus but we want to really push the travel aspect so we can start collaborating with other travel-related companies. submitted by /u/Kiki3838 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Logged in on someone else’s snapchat

I logged into someone else’s snapchat and I took a screenshot of their saved images. Do they get a notification from this? submitted by /u/hawaiianwaffle [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

How to find trending TikTok sounds early?

For example, so many popular accounts yesterday posted dances to Dababy’s “cowgirl” verse (Charli, Lil Huddy, Addison, etc). I’m wondering how to know what sounds will become a new trend the same time as the popular accounts. submitted by /u/autumn-goodbye [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

What are some features missing in existing social media apps?

submitted by /u/SantiagoMayer [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

What you think is Social media becoming mess day by day?

This was a question that was lingering in my mind for a long time now like for 2 years. I have stopped using social media because I felt like it is useless. It is useless to watch someone's photos/videos who is far enjoying without you. And suppose if you are a person who doesn't do such things then you often fall into some kind of depression-like comparing yourself to the person who is not with you right now. And the most awkward thing is you can't talk about things that are shared on social media in face to face, as you already know that (he or she had been to a place). People often don't like to speak about things that they posted on social media as I noticed. Maybe it is because they are in a different mood or they might have already forgotten your name since your last post on social media. Day by day social media is becoming like a necessary thing to be alive socially. It could be someone dancing, it could be someone who writes awesome short stores. or whatever

Removing a pic from Facebook

Hey! On Facebook a photo of me in a suit that I don't like is posted on the photographers Facebook page and I really want it removed. I would have reported it but it fits none of the criteria and at the time he got permission. How do I get it removed? submitted by /u/Akavet_ [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

[QUESTION] Giving a page administrator rights to another page

Hi guys, I own a business with 2 other people, where we clean up and manage other people's social media. In this case facebook. For our business we own our own facebook page where we post our own stuff, but here is my question: Is there a way to give our page administrator rights to the page of our customer? Because now we always have to give our personal facebook pages to get the rights, which doesn't seem like the easiest or most professional way. Thanks in advance! submitted by /u/OrangePeelBoy [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Photo tags not working on Facebook

So I was tagged in a couple of photos which were part of this post that someone made. I have timeline review which means I have to approve something before it gets added to my timeline. In this particular case I got a notification that I was tagged in a post and asked do I want that on my timeline. I put yes, and the post (16 photos or so) appears on my timeline. However the couple of photos that I’m tagged in do not appear in the “photos of you” section. What’s up with this? Everyone else tagged in that post has their photos showing up correctly on their respective profile’s photos of them. Somehow I feel like it’s my timeline review setting that messed it all up and I don’t know how to go about getting those photos appearing in my photos of me, without untagging and retagging myself. I checked my privacy settings, and the view settings of the post and there’s nothing obvious that’s preventing these tagged photos appearing correctly. submitted by /u/SnazzyPanther [link] [co

What is wrong with my page?

Last week i had a page view count of 105 people. And my most liked pic has 700+ likes (i promoted this pic) and still i gain no followers at all. My 3 promotions gave me around 1 follower so I guess that there has to be something wrong with my page. It must look unappealing in someway but i cant figure it out. My tag is @Bangkokingerman submitted by /u/NuttyWizard [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Popularity of Twitter #hashtags

Is there a totally free way to experiment with the popularity of hashtags? For example, if I wanted to know how many people look for #cup vs. #mug, is there a site that will give me that info for fee? 🙏 Thank you! submitted by /u/techstuff123 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Does snapchat notify when you screen record a story

title says it all submitted by /u/sammadet1 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Thousands of views and likes, but few followers on TikTok. Any suggestions?

Hi. I started a TikTok account two weeks ago. I have uploaded over 50 videos and Almost every video gets between 20 and 100k views. I have almost 30 000 likes. The problem is that very few follow. I have only around 800 followers which is very little compared to other TikToker's with similar numbers. It feels a bit frustrating. Any suggestions? My videos are mostly DIY stuff. I rarely show my face or talk in my videos. submitted by /u/dieterschneider [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM


A great way to cross post content. For instance from WP to Instagram of FB page to Twitter. You name it. What are your experience with this app? submitted by /u/JeejD [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM

Are there any true autopost tools for instagram?

So I make use of laterforreddit for one of my alt accounts and how it works is that I set up and schedule my posts and at the time I indicate, it goes up on Reddit automatically without me needing to do anything (obviously this comes in handy since I often forget to post) The issue is that I’m trying to find one for Instagram as well. All the ones that advertise as autopost actually mean that they’ll send a push notification reminder to tell me to post, which doesn’t help as I’m often away from my phone. Does anyone know any autopost tools for Instagram (paid or otherwise) that actually do the posting for you and don’t just remind you to post? submitted by /u/agencyagencyagency [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A

Snapchat quick add

I have 2 accounts on Snapchat.On my real one i dont get recommended anyone that i know or friends of my friends,and on another account which is fake i got recommended all the kids from my school which i know.Its stupid for me to add people on real account by username because it look like im stalking them.On my real one i only have people that i know closely,how can i make snapchat to recommend me friends of my friends and people i know. submitted by /u/Haree000 [link] [comments] Andy Nguyễn Group - mua bán fanpage facebook, mua bán group facebook, thuê group facebook, đổi tên fanpage, tăng like fanpage, mua like fanpage, bảo mật facebook, xác minh google maps, mua fanpage ad breaks Website : mua fanpage Hotline : 0977099016 Địa chỉ : 1185/5/1A Lê Văn Lương - Phước Kiển - Nhà Bè - HCM